Chapter 220 I Do, I Do

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"Quit fidgeting Lucy." Rain carefully placed baby's breath into the back of Lucy's hairdo. She opted not to wear a veil and instead go as natural as she could.

There was a knock at the bedroom door as Lila asked who it was. Bam answered and told the gathering of Brown women that he had a present for Lucy from Gabe.

Lila let him in.  "Close your eyes."

"I'm not the groom." Bam replied.

"You look beautiful Lucy." Bam kissed her cheek. "We already feel that you are a part of our family."

That comment, especially from Bam, was in Lucy's mind a definitive blessing and a good start to her marriage. Bam handed her a velvet pouch from Gabe. "This is from Gabe for his bride."

Lucy's hands tremble as she opened the pouch to find a pair of teardrop pearl earrings. "Don't cry Lucy!" Rain quickly handed her a tissue to dab her eyes. "You'll ruin your makeup." Rain helped her replace her earrings with the pair that Gabe sent over.

Lila shooed Bam out of the bedroom as he gave them a five minute warning. "We're ready when were done, Joshua." Lila blew him a kiss.

Gabe nervously paced the floor downstairs. "Gabey, you're going to wear out my hardwood floor if you don't stop."

"What if she changes her mind?"

Matt kidded him. "Yeah, she could do that."

Gabe's eyes widen. "You don't think she is going to do that, do you?"

Bear laughed. "Man, he's just jerking your chain. She's not going to change her mind."

Red stuck her head in the great room. "She's ready."

Gabe began to breathe deeply as Matt led him to the deck and they took their respective places. Rose entered next as everyone waited patiently for the bride. Still a little nervous and beginning to break into a cold sweat, Gabe caught sight of his bride. His smile broadened and suddenly all his concerns melted away as she walked the short distance to where he stood. 
The flannel shirt that she paired with her wedding gown did not go unnoticed by her groom and he appreciated that about her. She was deliberate in everything she did.

Lucy repeated her vows as did Gabe even though he stumbled through a few parts. She only held his hands tighter reassuring him it was okay. Before the justice of the peace announced that they were husband and wife, Gabe had already begun to kiss his beautiful bride. In usual Brown fashion, Bear led a chorus of howls signalling the newest member of the wolfpack had officially been welcomed into the family.

Gabe stole his bride away for a few minutes before the family feasted on venison and crab. "Lucia, you take my breath away."

Lucy wanted nothing more than to have him all to herself at that moment but their alone time would come later. "Did you like the flannel shirt?"

"Babe, I loved the flannel shirt. You're always thinking of me and that's what I love about you." He kissed her again this time leaving no doubt that he was anxious to get through their family reception and head straight for their first night as husband and wife.

Lucy fiddled with his tie. "Is that a preview of things to come?"

Gabe whispered in her ear. "You tell me."

Clint Black-When I Said I Do

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