Chapter 336 Hummingbirds

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"It's official!" Lila yelled up the stairs to Bam.

"What's official?" He questioned back.

"Bird and Joe have set a date."

Bam trotted down the stairs as Lila waved an invitation in front of him. Bam snatched the invite from her hand and carefully read it several times. He sighed heavily.

"You gave your word." Lila reminded her husband that he had blessed the engagement.

"I know. But she's still my sister."

"She's a grown woman, Joshua. You and your brothers have treated her as the sixth brother instead of the woman she has grown into. She's smart and completely capable of taking care of herself. And it's time for her to live her own life."

Bam grumbled under his breath. Lila snagged him by the arm. "I'll have none of that sassiness this morning sir."



Rain rocked Madeline as Jill showered and dressed. She was the perfect aunt always providong an extra set of hands to help. She stroked Madeline's cheek. "Pretty girl. Did you sleep well?"

"I'm afraid not. She was restless last night. Matt tried everything to get her to sleep. I think she has her days and nights reversed. She is wearing us out."

Rain kissed Madeline's nose. "She has Matt's eyes."

"That she does. I'm afraid she is going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up."

"Well, at least one of us will be." Rainy exhaled deeply.

"Hey, what's that about?" Jill asked inquisitively.

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"That's a silly question. You are a very beautiful young lady."

"Then why doesn't River ever pay me any attention?"

"Oh I see. This is about a boy?"

"Rainy, don't you think he might be a little gun shy considering he works for Matt and Bam? Look how long it took the two of them to warm up to the idea of Bird and Joe."

"Everybody has somebody except me."

"Don't rush things Rainy. All good things happen when they are supposed to."


"Gabe and Lucy had Sam comfortably cuddled between them in bed. "I can't believe he is ours." Lucy traced her finger around Sam's chubby cheeks."

"I know. I can't believe I'm a dad. Gabe Brown. Sam's dad. And you, Sam's mom."

Lucy craned her neck over Sam to kiss Gabe. "He was always meant for us. Our baby girl sent him."

Sam gurgled and fidgeted as the new parents reveled in his wonderment.

Red flipped through her recipe book trying to find Bird's favorite cake as Bear chased his girls around the kitchen.

"Bear, can you take it down a notch? I can't hear myself think."

"Sorry babe. Just trying to explain to our girls that they are going to be flower girls at Bird's wedding."

"Did you find the recipe?" Bear asked peering over her shoulder.

"Yep. Hummingbird cake. A bit unconventional for a wedding cake but when has this family ever been conventional?" Red laughed as Bear nipped at her neck.

"Let the countdown begin."

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