Chapter 219 A Forever Kind of Love

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As the date for Lucy and Gabriel's wedding quickly approached, she panicked. She couldn't find a suitable gown to be married in that reflected her inclusion of Gabe's taste in the design.

She had finally settled on a dress that would serve the purpose but she wasn't one hundred percent happy with the look.

Her future sister-in-laws offered to help with the details of the wedding to which Lucy agreed with two conditions, she would ultimately have the final say so on her dress and she would bake her own wedding cake. Red agreed to be her matron of honor and Matt, being the closest brother to Gabe, was awarded the title of best man.

Lila and Bam offered up their home as the venue for their service giving the family the opportunity to have a huge feast. The men had already decided a deer hunt was in order for the reception and had arranged to tag along with one of Bear's awesome adventure travel groups to hunt.

Rain, the family fashionista, offered her hair and makeup services.

Brown weddings were always a family affair. The original seven Browns had grown so fast over the past few years with wives and babies, it was hard to remember a time when it was just them. Billy and Ami doted on their grandbabies and as usual Ami hoped for more of them. The prospect of Bam's third child had sent Ami into baby heaven again.

Back at Lucy's home, the girls had piled in to see her wedding gown. Lucy slipped into it and modeled it. "It's missing something." She tugged at the top of the dress.

The girls had her twirl around. "It's beautiful Lucy. What don't you like about it?"

"It just doesn't feel right for Gabe." Lucy sighed. "It needs something else."

Rain walked around the dress fluffing the tulle skirt. She had Lucy lift her hair off her shoulders. "She's right. It's missing something." Rain rummaged through Lucy's closet until she spotted a red and black flannel shirt. "Here, try this on."

Lucy slipped the shirt on as Rain buttoned it and tightened it up around her. Lucy began to smile. "That's it! It's the look I was going for!"

Rain prided herself on her fashion sense. Everyone else applauded her choice and the fact that it made Lucy happier was icing on the cake. The look was definitely a nod to her future husband.

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