Chapter 262 Obsession

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In a matter of minutes, Matt and Bam had their packs and rifles loaded into Bam's vehicle and at the ready. Jill had called the local authorities to report the abduction but asked that they use no sirens as to not distract from the celebratory mood of the wedding. There wasn't anything that anyone could do at that point. Bam agreed to stay put at least until they could file a report but every minute that ticked by was like an eternity to him. He tried to stay focused on the task at hand. Losing his temper would only cause further delay.

Jill found a recent picture of Lila hoping it would be helpful in broadcasting the abduction. Bird seemed lost in the frenzy. She was smitten by Nato only to find out he had taken advantage of her kindness. It was crushing for her ego but even more so because it had put Lila in jeopardy.

The authorities arrived within 30 minutes of the call. They questioned both Matt and Bam and then turned their attention to Bird grilling her with questions she had no answers to. The police took the picture of Lila and gathered a description of Nato. They ran his name through their database but he had never been arrested so that avenue was exhausted almost immediately. The authorities assured Bam that they would do everything in their power to find his wife but that was little comfort to him. As soon as they left, Bam and Matt set out on their own to track him. It wouldn't be easy after all Alaska was a huge state and Nato had at least a two hour start on them.
Needless to say, they had few leads but a hunch that he went further north to places that were more remote.

Bam's thoughts ran rampant in his mind. He could barely imagine his life without her or having to raise their children on his own. The thought of Nato even touching his wife only stoked his inner rage. If he hurt her in any way, he would pay and pay dearly. He almost hoped the authorities would find Nato first because if he did, Nato would never draw another breath on this earth.

Matt was equally filled with anger. He had let the danger into their life by hiring Nato. Lila may not have been his wife but their bond was unbreakable. She was his best friend, his sister, and his confidant. Their lives had been intertwined for years now and he would have gladly laid down his life for hers.

"We'll find her Bam. I promise we won't stop until we do." It was a promise that Matt didn't intend to break.

Lila stumbled over the rough terrain as Nato pulled her along by her wrist. She so wanted to break loose and run but she was not prepared to make for the woods to hide. She still wore her dress and heels from the wedding. She had no way to keep herself warm or a rifle to protect her from the wilds of Alaska. Her safest option was to comply with Nato's directions. She didn't want to upset him by any means. She was tired, cold and hungry and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

The cabin was dark and primitive at best. Nato motioned her to sit as he lit several candles. He began to start a fire to warm the cabin as he saw her shudder from the coolness of the air.

"It's not much but we don't need much."

"Nato, there is no we. I'm married. I have children. You need to take me home. Bam will be worried. My children will be scared. We can explain all of this away. I can tell them we just wanted to talk alone. There is no harm done if you take me back home now."

Nato broke several small pieces of wood into kindling and threw them in the fireplace. "It's always him. Bam. Bam. Bam. I don't want to hear his name anymore. We are done with your past. Now, it's about us. You're with me now. You will learn to love me again."

"I love only Joshua. I could never love you. Don't you see that? I don't want you."

Nato approached her grabbing hold of her wrist and pulling her to a standing position. "You will learn to love me. I will make you forget about him."

Lila's frustation was growing. It appeared to her that he had a complete break with reality. If she continued to argue with him, there was no telling what he would do. His words frightened her. For the first time, she was afraid, very afraid.

Nato released her wrist as soon as he saw the fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He released his vice grip immediately and began to stroke her cheek softly, almost as softly as Bam would stroke her cheek. His mood had changed instantly as if she were watching him transform from the evil Mr. Hyde back into the reasonable Dr. Jekyll.

"I'm tired Nato. I just want to go home."

"Your home is with me." Nato walked across the room and pulled out one of his shirts tossing it to her. "Here put this on. I'll have to get you some clothes tomorrow. There's a bed in the other room."

Lila glanced at the door to the bedroom. "Well, go on, get changed and get some sleep." Lila walked quietly to the other room and quickly changed into his oversized shirt that fit her more like a dress. She folded her dress and placed her shoes nearby. Lila quietly slipped into the bed. Although she was scared, sleep overcame her fears and she soon slumbered hoping all of the days events were just a bad dream.

Dylan Scott-Sleeping Beauty

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