Chapter 307 Can't Stop Looking at You

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Harrison Brome-Can't Stop Looking at You

Bam stood in front of the glass window that seperated the neonatal unit from the rest of the world watching Delilah as the nurses tended to her needs. She was so incredibly tiny he thought to himself. How could such a little angel have such an abrupt start in life?  Bam felt a hand rest on his shoulder as the familiar sound of Matt's voice echoed in the cold hospital corridor.

"Can't stop looking at her, can you?"

"I just can't believe she's here and she's mine." Bam never took his eyes off of his daughter.

"Well, she is and it's been confirmed so now you have to let it go. The whole business of Nato is in the past, dead and buried. You said yourself it didn't matter who the father was but I think you did."

"Maybe. Maybe it was the lie I told myself to push through all of this."

"You don't think Lila felt the same way. Always thinking about if you would love her any less or if you could accept the baby regardless of paternity."

"I feel guilty having had those thoughts."

"It's normal. If there is one thing I learned in therapy, it is you have to be honest with yourself. You have to forgive yourself. And when you do, you'll feel free."

A nurse stuck her head around the door interrupting the brothers' conversation. "Mr. Brown, would you like to visit with your daughter?"

"Really? Is that allowed?"

"It's encouraged." The nurse smiled and waved him in. "You'll have to robe up and wear a cap."

Bam quickly donned the required clothing as the nurse motioned him to have a seat in one of the unit's reclining chairs. She carefully placed Delilah in his arms and encouraged him to let her lie on his chest.
He was visibly nervous as she slept ever so often twitching her little body against the rise and fall of his chest.

Matt watched from behind the glass as father and daughter bonded immediately. It tickled Matt to see his usually reserved brother fall to pieces as he watched him whisper to his baby girl and she reacted to his voice.

"Delilah," his voice spoke sweet and low as he stroked her back with one finger. "Your name means delicate. You're as delicate as your mother. You are of my Lila. That's why I named you after her, Delilah."


Gabe and Lucy's overnight adventure had turned into a longer stay than anticpated for all the kids. The unexpected and ill-timed arrival of a new Brown baby had forced Lucy to take over as a surrogate mother to all the brothers' offspring. By day three, Lucy had become an expert in tending to the children's needs, kissing boo-boos telling bed time stories, and feeding picky eaters. Gabe was in heaven having grown up as one of seven so having seven nieces and nephews camping out with he and his wife was just another run of the mill day for him. Once Gabe had located a missing teddy bear and  settled the last Brownie down for the evening, he sought out his wife for some quality adult time. Lucy had fallen asleep on the couch still clutching the Arabian Nights book she had read to the children before bedtime. He couldn't help but think how absolutely adorable she looked with her disheveld clothes and hair and chocolate chip cookies smeared on her cheek from the kids' goodnight kisses.

Gabe carefully scooped Lucy into his arms and carried her to their bedroom. She snuggled against his buffalo plaid shirt to tired to even open her eyes. He pushed their bedroom door open with his booted foot and walked her to their bed. He propped her upright, kneeling to remove her shirt and chuckling as she fell backwards on the bed from sheer exhaustion. He wrestled off her pants falling backwards on the floor himself. If this was any indication of what parenthood was like he was eager to sign up. As he crawled back up on his knees, he swung Lucy's legs into the bed undressing himself for the evening. He climbed into their bed and reached to cover her with their shared blanket. Lucy instinctively pressed herself to his side wiggling into her favorite spot, the crook of his muscular arm. He lifted her face to his to kiss her goodnight. She kissed him back. Maybe it was the self-enforced drought he had instituted between them on the advice of his brothers but tonight the only thing he wanted to do was to make love to his wife. Perhaps it was seeing her as the future mother to his kids that made him amourous but the last thing on his mind tonight was sleep.

"Lucy, are you asleep?"

"Uh huh," she mumbled back.

"Lucy, wanna fool around?"

"Uh huh," she answered back. "But honey, you do all the heavy lifting. Okay?"

Gabe didn't need a second invitation as he slowly rolled her to her back and began kissing her again. His hands slid across her body like she was glass. Occasionally, she shifted under him. Her sleepiness made her less verbal and she released a series of audible moans as he worked his way down her body to his final destination. She was warm and wet as he explored her folds. Half asleep, half awake, she moved to his easy touch waiting for him to trade one instrument of pleasure for another. Just as he was about to finish off his wife, he heard a knock at their bedroom. Violet's squeaky voice called out. "Uncle Gabe, I'm thirsty."
It was folowed by Daisy's, "Me, too."

Lucy pushed Gabe out of bed and lazily remarked as he struggled into his pants, "Remember this moment when you want to have kids of our own."

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