Chapter 244 Gypsy

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Jill and Matt sat patiently with Ami and Billy as Bam paced the floor of the Hoonah clinic. "You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep that up." Jill patted the seat next to her trying to encourage her brother-in-law to sit.

"I'm too anxious to sit. What's taking so long?" The worry lines in Bam's brow were more pronounced as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It all happened so fast the last time."

"Don't remind me of that trauma!" Matt winced at the remembrance of Lila's first delivery, just the two of them. He had never seen so much blood not even when they slaughtered a deer.

"Joshua, she's in a good place." His mother tried to soothe his soul. "The midwife is here and the doctor is just a town away."

Bam stopped pacing for a moment and gave her a half smile. She was in a much better place. She was stronger than ever and at least she wasn't stuck out in the trapper shack like she was during her first delivery. So much of their life had come full circle from those early days. Memories of her flooded his mind. The first time he saw her. The first time he touched her. The first time she said she loved him. The first time he held their son and daughter. He excused himself for a moment and stepped into the cold air of night trying to clear his thoughts of any what ifs.

"Beautiful night, isnt it?" The voice came from a portly little man with hair as white as snow. He startled Bam as he didn't recall seeing him as he stepped outdoors.

"Yes, it is a beautiful Christmas Eve." Bam took a seat next to him on the bench.

"And what are doing here this time of night," asked the stranger occupying the space next to him.

"My wife is in labor. I just came out for some air."

"First baby?" The stranger mused.

Bam pulled the chain attached to his wallet and found a recent pic of Lily and Jace. He handed it to the man who carefully held it in his gloved hand. "They are a fine looking pair."

"They favor their mother," Bam said with a sense of pride." Dark and lovely just like her."

"I'm Kris by the way." The stranger shook Bam's hand.

"I'm Bam. Bam Brown."

"So Kris, what are you doing here this time of night? You here with anyone?" Bam asked noticing that Kris didn't seem at all anxious about being at the clinic.

"I've come here to bring comfort to a kindred spirit." Kris laughed heartily as he drew his pipe from his coat.

"I could use some of that tonight. Her first delivery was such a mess. I just want this one to be easy on her." He sighed heavily. "I didn't even get the chance to give her the present I bought for her."

"The ring?" Kris asked.

Bam reached into his coat pocket and pulled the box out. He flipped the lid to show his bench companion his gift.

Kris admired it. "A stone for each member of the family. I think Lila will love it."

"I hope so. I haven't always been able to give her everything she deserves."

Kris's eyes crinkled as he spoke. "Yes, you have Joshua. You've given her everything her heart's desired and more. I think it's time you go back inside and meet your daughter."

Bam heard his name being called as he caught sight of Matt waving him back in. He turned to speak to Kris one last time. "My daughter? How do you know it's a girl?"

Kris stood and patted Bam's shoulder. "I know a lot about you Joshua. You've always been on my list."

"I never told you my given name. Or my wife's name. What did you say your name was?" Bam asked looking somewhat perplexed at the round little man decked out in fur and leather.

"It's Kringle. We hail from the farthest northern parts." He pointed to the north star.

"Merry Christmas Joshua. And you kiss that baby girl for me. I'll be checking in on her next year and you as well."

Bam watched in silence as Kris disappeared into the darkness. He thought he heard the faintest sound of bells as a light dusting of snow began to fall.

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Matt held the door as Bam passed through it shaking his head in disbelief.

"I think," he hesitated before he answered Matt's question. "I think he was Santa Claus."

Matt howled with laughter. "Man, the stress is getting to you, bro. Santa Claus. That's priceless. If I hadn't been here with you all night, I would think you've been drinking."

The nurse hustled Bam into a hospital gown, demanding he put on a cap over his wildly long hair before she took him back to where Lila rested with their baby. The conversation with Kris had distracted his attention long enough for Lila to deliver Bam's Christmas present...a new baby girl.

Lila pulled the blanket down to reveal another raven haired beauty. "Meet your daughter, Gypsy. I thought we could name her after your first boat."

It was a rare occasion that Bam didn't have an opinion. He was choked with emotion as he bent to kiss his wife's forehead and stroke the cheek of daughter Gypsy. "Damn, woman, after all this time, you still leave me breathless and restless."

Lila reached for his hand and whispered. "Always only you Joshua. Always only you."

Ed Sheeran - How Would You Feel

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