Chapter 226 White Lie

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Noah waited patiently outside the library as Blue bid goodbye to the last stragglers of her library mixer. Bam, Lila and Jill had already departed for  home but not before harassing him about his object du jour. Noah was relieved when they opted not to stay with him. He wanted to learn more about Blue without the usual line of questioning from the Brown wives. Although they had good intentions, they could be overwhelming with their screening of potential girlfriends.

"Mr. Brown, I'm glad you waited for me." Blue smiled as she pulled her coat closer around her neck.

"I thought you might need an escort home if that's alright. A beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn't be wandering alone."

Blue reached for his arm and looped hers through his. "I hope you don't mind if I steal some of your body heat. It seems to have gotten more colder than usual."

Noah accommodated her request and couldn't believe his good fortune. He silently repeated to himself, "Thank you, Mother Nature."

As they walked home, Blue and Noah asked a question of each other at the same time. They laughed and debated that the other should go first.  Noah finally relented and asked his question. "How did you end up in Alaska?"

"I was running from my life. Got mixed up with a bad crowd and ran as far away as my money would take me."

"A runaway librarian? That's a twist. Aren't you the ones usually opening up new  destinations in people's minds with books?"

"I'm not really a librarian." Noah looked at Blue somewhat perplexed.
"I needed a job so I told a little white lie."

"You deceived your employer?"

"There's not much work for unemployed dancers in Hoonah."

"A dancer? Like in exotic?"

Blue giggled. "No silly. Like in ballet."

"I should have known."

"How so?" She asked, curious as to how he would have made the connection.

"You're pixie-like, quite dainty and you move like a fairy."

"It's all part of the training. Your body becomes accustomed to moving gracefully."

"Have you ever seen a fairy, Noah?"

"Only forest fairies." He replied. "But I believe I've had the good fortune to meet one tonight." Blue could feel the blush rise up in her.

They continued to walk and talk and eventually lost all track of time. They had actually walked to the edge of Hoonah's city limits before Blue pointed out that they had gone too far.

"Um, Noah, we walked past my apartment about an hour ago." She pointed in the direction they had just walked. The temperature had dropped even lower but neither seemed to care that it was very late or very cold.

Leela James-Fall for You

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