Chapter 205 Lucky

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The next morning Gabe and Lucy set out to Jill's studio to gather up his personal belongings and clothes. After packing his boxes, the couple darted upstairs to let Matt, Jill and Noah know that he was moving in with Lucy. They found the trio eating breakfast.

"Gabey! Lucy! Fancy seeing you to this morning." Matt chuckled as he shoveled a fork full of eggs in his mouth causing the lovebirds to blush.

Noah stood up to greet Lucy. "No need to be so formal Noah." Lucy shook his hand as Noah wasn't exactly a touchy feely kind of a guy and didn't relish the idea of being hugged.

Gabe seemed more giddy than usual and Jill noticed he never let go of Lucy's hand. "So Gabe, what brings you out so early to visit?" Jill worked on trying to get a spoonful of applesauce into Colton.

"I have some news to share. Lucy and I are moving in together and we came by to get my things."

""Reeeaaaallllyyyy...." You could hear the lyrical sound of Jill's response in her voice. Her eyes twinkled as she asked him if he had told Bam and Lila yet.

"You guys were first on our list. We're headed to the office to see Bam next."

"Good luck with that announcement." Matt patted Gabe's chest. "You know he doesn't adjust to change well."

Gabe knew Bam probably wouldn't be happy about the news that he was moving in with Lucy but he also knew that he had his life to live as well. Bam had the main house designed to accommodate the four youngest siblings and his parents. 

"Why so glum, sugarplum?" Lucy tried to cheer him up as they walked to speak with Bam.

"I just don't want him to be disappointed in me. I think he was counting on me and Noah to stay with our parents."

"Babe, life happens...even when you plan for it. He's a big boy and I'm sure he will get over it."

Gabe hoped Lucy was right. He and Bam always had a special bond and the last thing he wanted to do was put an additional stress on his brother. The build was taking it's toll on Bam as hair had started go show the first signs of greying. His brothers had teased him about his premature grey hair but Bam shrugged it off as wisdom highlights.

As they entered the office where Bam worked, Lucy let go of his hand and sought out Lila giving the brothers some much needed privacy. Gabe spoke first. "Bam, I've made a personal decision that affects all of us. I'm moving in with Lucy." He stood there and waited for the barrage of questions and disappointed looks but none came to his surprise.

Bam sat and stroked his beard listening to Gabe explain himself until Gabe stopped and asked him what he thought.

In an uncharacteristically calm fashion, Bam spoke.  "Gabe, who am I to ask you not to follow your heart? Do what you believe in your heart and stay true to who you are and you'll never go wrong."  Bam paused before he spoke again. "But I still expect you on the job site on Monday. We are almost finished."

"I'll be here and early." Gabe crossed his heart.

"So, you and Lucy?"

Gabe cracked a smile. "Yeah, she's pretty terrific. I'm one lucky guy."

Bam stood up and hugged Gabe. "Correction Gabey, she's one lucky girl."


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