Chapter 274 Routine

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Bam and Lila walked hand in hand from their boat back to their home as Matt and Jill watched from the office window. Jill let out a deep sigh of relief and commented, "Looks like all is right with their world."

Matt agreed with her assessment. "Yeah, I'm happy for them. They deserve a break. They've come through a lot together and just when all hope is lost, they always find a way back to each other."

"Let's round up the kids and bring them home. I think a little family time will be good for everyone." Jill headed to the main house to pick up Gypsy and the Brownies. Lily and Jace took off like wild deer across the family compound anxious to be reunited with their parents. Jill wrapped Gypsy carefully and carried her home.

Bam almost lost his balance as the Brownies wrapped their arms around his legs clamouring for hugs and kisses. He knelt down to their level hugging them tightly as they asked a hundred questions all at once. Jill followed shortly with baby Gypsy and Lila took her into her arms. The reunion of all five of them under one roof left Jill and Matt a bit misty eyed. Matt leaned over to Jill and whispered, "I think our work is done here." He gently guided his wife to the door and back to their home.

Lila broke up the reunion sending the Brownies upstairs to clean up for dinner. "Joshua, take Gypsy for me and let me get something going for dinner." He gladly accommodated her request and took his baby girl in his arms while Lila quickly transformed into mommy mode. Gypsy watched in silence as her father carefully studied her face. She was a mix of his wife's quiet beauty and his family's eyes. He had been gone too long. He had missed everything that was good and right in his life and he was thankful to be reminded of just how fortunate he was.

Lila watched from the kitchen as Bam held Gypsy. She could tell he had missed her greatly as he slowly traced the outline of her face with his finger. Lila walked to where he sat and made herself comfortable next to him. "She's beautiful, isnt she?"

Bam nodded in agreement. "She is the best of you and me. Lila, I just have been so...."

She didn't let him say another word as she turned his face to hers kissing him softly.  "Let's not talk about the past. It's dead and buried." She shooed him upstairs to shower while she finished up dinner and laid Gypsy down for the evening.

Lila changed clothes as Bam supervised the setting of the table with help from the Brownies. Jace set the plates while Lily added cups and silverware. Bam gave them instructions on getting the salt and pepper shakers and the bread basket. When they finished, he directed them to take their seats. While they waited patiently for Lila, Bam asked them about their homework and if school was going well for them.

Lila reappeared taking her seat across from her husband. "Jace, I think it's your turn to bless dinner." The family joined hands as Jace stumbled through his dinner blessing.
Things appeared to return to normal at least for the present.

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