Chapter 275 Eight Weeks

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Things were moving at a fast pace amongst the families of Browntown II. Noah and Blue had returned from their extended  honeymoon through the northwestern part of the lower forty-eight. Construction had begun on their home as the build for Lucy and Gabe's place was almost finished. Bear and Red were close to becoming parents for the second time with another baby girl on the way. Rain and Bird had taken on more responsibilities at both the bakery and the Art Gypsy giving Jill and Red more time to spend with their families. Matt and Bam were busier than ever with the demand for wood for new construction at an all time high. The popularity of television shows focused on Alaska had driven new home building through the roof. Business was good for the brothers but the hours were long and the time away from home had been increasing especially on the transport part of their business. Lila and Jill found much of the responsibilities of home and family had fallen to them. Shipping orders for lumber were sending the brothers on delivery runs further away from home.


Lila slowly picked herself off the floor of the bathroom staring at her reflection in the mirror. She splashed cold water on her face and rinsed out the vomit from her throat. Sheer panic had set in as she realized that this was not just a touch of the flu. She was all too familiar with this sensation and it wasn't one that made her happy at this particular point in time. She could hardly wrap her mind around the possibility she was pregnant again. She squeezed her eyes closed trying to remember every time she and Bam had been intimate over the past few months. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she tried to suppress the one thought that plagued her mind immediately. What if this wasn't Bam's child? What if she was carrying Nato's child? She could hear the silent scream inside her mind as it overwhelmed her body. She fell to the floor a second time gripping the toilet tightly as she wretched again and again at the very thought of something so unimaginable.

As she sat with her head in her hands, she tried to calculate how far along she was. By her estimate, she had to be at least eight weeks along. She wept not knowing what to do. Her emotions had overridden her logic for the moment. It wasn't something she ever considered possible. The time between the incident with Nato and her reunion with Bam was especially narrow. She couldn't possibly share the news of a pregnancy with him until she had definitive proof one way or another. If she were pregnant with Nato's child, the news would devastate her husband beyond what any man could tolerate if the worst case scenario were true.

Lila laid on the cold floor of the bathroom until she heard Gypsy's cries from the other room and pulled herself up to attend to her. She tried to soothe her daughter and put her back down in her crib. When she looked at Gypsy, she saw Bam's eyes staring back at her. It only made Lila cry harder.

Cyndi Lauper-True Colors

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