Chapter 240 Girl Power

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Bear and Gabe beat on Noah's apartment door again. Bam was getting slightly annoyed having to fetch his bush engineer every morning. Noah looked at the clock and groaned waking the sleeping beauty next to him. "Damn, I've overslept again."

Blue pulled the sheet up around her as she watched Noah hastily dress. "Stay here until I leave. I don't want my brothers getting any wrong ideas."

"Noah," Blue tugged at his pants leg, "That was a pretty incredible night last night."

"Did it change your mind?" He inquired.

Blue smiled devilishly at him, dropping the sheet to her waist and exposing her creamy white breasts. She bit her lower lip as her bright eyes turned lustful. "Um, you might have to persuade me again tonight."

"Lovely, I have to go. Bam's probably blown a fuse." All Noah really wanted to do was climb back into that bed and make love to her until she admitted she loved him.

Noah pulled the door to his bedroom closed giving Blue some privacy as his brothers'  knocking continued to get louder. He ripped the door open giving his older brothers a look that would kill.

"What?" Gabe asked as he pretended to not know how irritating loud noise was to Noah. "Bam sent us to get you."

Bear pushed his way into the apartment checking to see if company had made Noah late. "Come on, let's go. I don't want to make Bam even grumpier today." Noah grabbed his black duster.

" here alone?" Bear asked as he held up a pink sweater behind Noah's head signaling to Gabe they weren't alone.

Gabe tried to keep a straight face as Bear inched his way to the bedroom door. "Need to use your facilities before we go. Give me a sec."

Bear flung the bedroom door open and was surprised to find the bed empty. He proceeded to the bathroom where he also found it vacant, if only he had pulled back the shower curtain.

Blue stood wrapped in a sheet behind tge shower curtain holding the remainder of her clothes as Bear relieved himself. She muffled her laugh in her hand as she heard him wash his hands and leave. Noah wore a "deer in the headlights" kind of look as Bear came strolling out and shrugged his shoulders at Gabe. He found no evidence of Blue.

As Noah closed the door behind them, he took one long last look around his apartment trying to figure out how Blue had avoided Bear.

Blue breathed a sigh of relief not wanting to again be the reason for Noah's tardiness. He had already received much grief from his brothers and she was tired of being the cause of it. She needed allies and she knew exactly where to find them.


Blue arrived at the library finding her best customers, the Brown children, waiting for her with their mothers. She greeted Lila and Jill with hugs and invited them all in. As the children scurried to the book nook, Blue fired up the teapot and offered both Lila and Jill a cup.

Always plotting the future of a Brown brother, Lila couldn't help but ask how things were going with Noah. Lila already knew that her brother-in-law was immensely smitten but she definitely wanted to hear Blue's thoughts on the matter.

"I like Noah very much." Blue answered stirring the cream in her tea. "But he is moving a little fast for me."

Never being the pair to beat around the bush, Jill and Lila inquired specifically what she meant.

"He's in love with me." Blue lowered her voice.

"And the problem with that is?" Jill asked looking a little confused.

"How can he profess he loves me when he doesn't know really anything about me?" She paused for a moment. "I should have never slept with him."

Jill and Lila fell silent for a moment before nearly falling off their seats from laughter.
"Ladies, please, control yourselves. This is still a library."

Jill and Lila composed themselves. "Do you want to take this one or shall I?" Jill asked in a hushed whisper of Lila.

"I got this." Lila answered back.

"You are right about one thing. You should have never slept with Noah if your heart truly wasn't in it. Noah is a forever kind of guy. "

Jill interjected. "He doesn't give his heart freely. His word is his bond. So, if he told you he loves you, he is committed to that decision."

Blue's eyes widened. "He really means it."

"Uh, huh. He really means it."

"You must have felt something for him if you jumped in the sack with him?" Lila asked her question seemingly more pointed.

"I do feel something for him, but that L...O...V...E...word is not something I take lightly either." Blue sipped her cup of tea.

"Okay, so at least you guys are in the same book but not on the same page yet?" Jill asked.

Blue chuckled at the library reference. "I think that's a fair assessment. But I need your help with something."

"Anything?" The girls answered in unison.

"I need Bam and Matt to lay off Noah for awhile. Seems they have been giving him a hard time since Noah and I have started seeing each other more regularly. They treat him as their baby brother. I know he is the youngest male but he is also a man with his own mind. Do you think you can ask them to cut him some slack when it comes to us? You girls seem to have pretty good negotiation skills with your husband."

"I think our husbands have forgotten how hard we worked to keep our relationships together. Neither one of us had an easy journey to their hearts. They might need a little reminder. You in, Jill?"

"Of course I am, Lila. Besides, I like this girl. She's got spunk."

Cheetah Girls-Girl Power

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