Chapter 306 Hey There Delilah

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Bam slept in the chair propped up against the wall in Lila's room. It had been an exhaustive night for both he and his wife and the rest of the family who were camping out in the waiting room. Lila slept quietly as Bam kept a constant vigil by her side and that of their daughter who remained in the neonatal unit. The transfusion of blood was successful but baby girl Brown needed additional attention as she was so small at her arrival.

A nurse touched Bam gently on his shoulder rousing him from his light sleep."Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Mr. Brown. We just need a name for the birth certificate. Have you and your wife decided on a name?"

"Yes. Yes, I have." He turned to look at Lila and hoped she wouldn't be mad that he changed the name he originally had shared with her and her strength. Instead, he chose to pay homage to her and wrote on the hospital forms their daughter's name Delilah Aurora Brown. He handed the forms back to the nurse who read the name aloud.

"Delilah Aurora. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby."

"Thank you. You don't think that sounds like a stripper name, do you?" Bam recalled Lila's admonition of naming her children with anything sounding like a dancer from the Alaskan Bush Company.

The usually serious nurse cracked a smile and looked at Lila. "I think your wife will find it to be a lovely name."

Jill peeked in the room and signaled for Bam to step outside. "Bam, everyone's here including your parents. I thought you might want to sit with them for awhile and I'll stay with Lila."

Bam nodded in agreement. "I appreciate that Jill. It's just so much easier to tell everyone the story at once. You'll come and get me when she wakes up."

"I will. I promise." Jill traded places with Bam as he headed to where his family had gathered. Jill approached Lila's bed brushing the hair from around her face. Lila looked pale. The usual roses in her cheeks were somewhat diminished. The past eight months of the pregnancy were difficult but in usual fashion she was stronger than she looked. She took a seat near Lila's side and held her hand while she slept.

Jill felt Lila squeeze her hand as she nodded off and saw that she was beginning to stir. "Easy does it, Lila. I'm right here."

Lila slowly opened her eyes and focused on Jill's warm smile. "Where's Bam?" Her voice was weak. "The baby?"

"Bam's here and so is your baby." Lila's free hand touched her stomach feeling the emptiness of her womb.

"Is the baby okay?" Jill nodded. "She's small but she is getting the best care."

"It's a girl?"

"Yes, you and Bam have another daughter."

"She's ours?"

"Let me get Bam for you. I'm sure he has much to say to you."

Jill disappeared from the room as Lila waited for Bam to return. She was relieved to learn that the baby had arrived safely, and knowing it was a girl only convinced her that the baby had to be Bam's progeny as he was destined to continue to have daughters.

As she rested her eyes, she heard his voice remark, "Woman, you continue to add to my gray hair."

Lila turned her head to see her husband standing in the doorway. "Joshua," she whispered. "Another baby girl." He crossed the room to her bedside bending down to kiss her forehead.

"She's ours. The doctor confirmed that I'm her father."  Lila batted back the tears that began to well up in her dark eyes. She acknowledged the pronouncement by shaking her head up and down.

"She's really little. The neonatal unit is taking care of her until you and she get your strength back."

"Can I see her now?"

"You can see Delilah later. For now, we need to get some food and drink in you."

"Delilah? You named her?"

"I did. I gave her a version of your name because she's a fighter just like you."

Hey There Delilah by the Plain White Tees

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