Chapter 233 Position

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Jill put the finishing touches on Lily's tutu. Her creative ability came in handy as she added just the right amount of pink faux crystals to make both Lily and Lila squeal with delight at seeing the outfit. "What do you think kiddo?"

"Auntie Jill, it's so pretty." Jill took enjoyment in making something so delicate. She was blessed with the boys and Matt and sometimes they forgot she was a girl. Jill loved being a part of Lily's life and getting the chance to make something pink and sparkly.

"Better get dressed. Uncle Noah's coming by to take you for your next lesson." Lila hurried Lily along so  Noah wouldn't have to wait. Noah had volunteered to take his niece for dance lessons with Blue. It gave him another excuse to hangout with her. Lily was infatuated with Noah and enjoyed their walks to Blue's apartment. She liked Noah because he always answered her pointed questions. Today she wanted to talk about mermaids. "Uncle Noah, have you ever seen a mermaid?"

"Only in books."

"Are they real?"

"Some people believe them to be real."

"Can mermaids live on land?"

"I'm not sure, Lily. I haven't ever met a mermaid."

"My daddy says their not real."

"Bam lacks imagination."

"What does a mermaid look like?"

"Well from the pictures I have seen, they are beautiful with long flowing hair and wear seashells and pearls."

"Do you think I can be a mermaid?"

"I think you would make a better ballerina."

"Oh do you really?" She looked up at him with big doe eyes.

Noah picked up his niece and looked her in the eyes. "Little one, I think you are perfect in every way. Your mom and dad are very lucky to have you."

"Uncle Noah, do you like Miss Blue?"

"Yes. I do."

"Is she going to be a part of our family?" Lily looked at Noah with her child-like innocence. "I think she would make a good aunt."

Noah laughed at her response. "I'll take that under advisement."

Lily knocked on the door of Blue's apartment. She could hardly contain her excitement over her next lesson with a real ballerina. Blue opened the door to two smiling faces.

Lily bolted past Blue stripping out of her coat and boots. "Do you like it?" Lily twirled in a circle around Blue showing off the tutu her aunt had made for her. Lily beamed when Blue nodded.

"It's lovely, Lily. You look very much like a princess. Go pull back the curtain while I say hello to Noah."

She kissed Noah on the cheek. "And how are you today?"

"I'm better now that I'm with you." Blue's heart soared at the compliment. Little by little, she  chipped away at his cool exterior. He still wasn't much for public displays of affection but she was happy to.take their new relationship as slowly as he wanted.

Noah took a seat on a nearby chair and watched as Blue taught Lily second position. He couldn't help notice her strong physique in her ballet tights and body suit. She was lean and sleek and had the patience of a saint as she arranged Lily's arms and legs into second position.

"How does our position look?" Blue turned to see Noah admiring his view of her. "I think your position is quite perfect."

"Seriously, Noah?"

"Oh, I'm rather serious." For the first time in a long time, Noah felt something warm inside himself. He surmised it was desire.

Meatloaf-I Would Do Anything For You

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