Chapter 334 Along Came Sam

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As Matt and Jill and Lila and Bam prepared baby Madeline for the drive home, a neatly dressed woman entered the room. "I see everything is in order for your return to Hoonah. My name is Claire Morris. I am the hospital's assigned social worker."

The couples exchanged confused looks before Lila inquired as to whether there was a problem with Madeline's departure.

Claire assured them everything was in order but if the couples could spare some time, she wanted to show them something. The couples left Madeline with the nurse and followed Claire back to the maternity ward. She stopped in front of the large glass window where new parents fawned over their precious children.

"This is kind of unorthodox but I am going to ask it anyway. We have a baby boy." She pointed in the direction of a baby swadfked in blue. "He's been abandoned by his birth mother and well, there is no father to speak of. We've had him here for almost two weeks now. The maternity nurses have been taking turns caring for him. We've been asking all the new parents if they might be interested in adopting a second baby. His name is Sam. Well, that's the name the nurses gave him."

Both Lila and Jill batted back tears. "You mean he is all alone. There's no one....." Jill was already hyper emotional from her post partum hormones.

Claire could see the compassion the foursome was feeling as she relayed Sam's story. "I know it is a lot to ask but would either of you be interested in a new addition to your family?"

It was almost as if the couples thought in unison. Bam spoke first. "Can you give us a minute, Ms. Morris?"

Claire nodded and excused herself from the family conference. "I know what you're thinking." Lila could read her husband's mind.

Matt chimed in eagerily. "We should call them."

Jill tried to remain level-headed. "I think it might be too soon for them."

"We won't know unless we ask. So who wants to make the call?" Lila's look jumped from face to face.

"I think we should call Bear and Red and have them drive Gabe and Lucy here. I think if they see him, they might see how they have room in their heart and their home for this little guy." Words of wisdom spilled from Matt's mouth.

Once the call had been made to Bear and Red, they easily cosigned on to the effort to bring Gabe and Lucy to visit the hospital under the pretense of seeing their new niece.

The family explained their predicament to Claire who was suddenly hopeful that this effort would find a home for baby Sam.

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