Chapter 222 Reflections

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Dear Readers,

Thanks for patiently waiting for an update. My dad, my best bud, was hospitalized for three weeks and my story took a backseat to family priorities.


By the time Gabe and Lucy had returned home from their short honeymoon, Matt and Bam had called a family meeting as they were days away from finishing off the remaining two homes. For now, Gabe and Lucy decided to stay at her place as much for the privacy and the fact that their home wouldn't be started until the next spring. Bam remained under strict orders to reduce his workload until the doctor gave him full clearance on his health scare. Lila kept a close eye on him just as much as he kept an eye on the life growing inside her.

"We need to make a last push to finish the houses." Matt doled out work assignments to everyone like a true project manager. "We need everyone to stay on task to finish before the snow hits."

"Noah, you need to finish the electrical as soon as possible." Bam tossed him a set of wiring plans.

"Gabe and Bear, you need to get the roof on my house finished asap."

"What about us?" Jill, Lila, Red and Lucy waited for their assignments. "Lila and Jill, you get the interior of our house. Red and Lucy, you get Bear's house. Rain, Bird and Ma are on kitchen duty." Matt nodded in Bam's direction.

"And Da," Bam waved his hand over the little ones. "You're in charge of entertaining the little ones. Keep them out of the way and distracted until we finish."

Billy had the choicest assignment and one that was write up his alley. He had plans to build a blanket fort and tell tall bush tales never being more then a room away from his wife and daughters in the event he needed assistance. His only request for help was a couple of dozen chocolate chip cookies from Red's bakery.

In true family fashion, everyone busied themselves with the tasks at hand and soon day became night and the family gathered in the main house for a hearty dinner. For as tired as they all were, they still managed to have lively dinner conversation. After dinner, Bam dusted off his violin and played a few songs for the family while the kids rolled around on the floor with Uncles Bear and Gabe. Before long, all of them were sleepy and ready to be tucked into bed. Ami had made room for all of them upstairs and Bam and Matt carried Lily, Jace, Colton and Lucas upstairs while Bear and Rose packed up little Violet for the walk home.

The eldest couples took a walk back to their homes. Lila commented on how far they had come in just a few short years. "Just think, it all started with a dance." Lila mused taking her husband's waist.

Matt agreed squeezing Jill's hand tightly. "We have come along way. Wives, babies, businesses and now a new homestead.  It's been a great dance for all of us."

"Well, almost all of us." Jill motioned at Noah leaning against the porch column on his parent's home.

Lila in usual fashioned mentioned that they should do something about Noah's solitary life. Bam groaned audibly. "Not again."

"Why Bam Brown! All your brothers would still be single if Jill or I hadn't intervened." Lila playfully punched him in the shoulder.

Matt chuckled. "I hate to admit it bro but she's right. I wouldn't have this beauty next to me if she hasn't played matchmaker."

Jill chimed in and replied, "And Bear would still be mooning over Red if we hadn't given him some advice on women."

Bam threw his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, you have my permission. Go find Noah a soulmate but just remember, he can't stand being hugged. Can't imagine how that's going to work while he's dating."

Matt and Bam busted out in laughter trying to imagine how Noah's first date would go. "Give the guy some credit. He does have an odd charm to him." Lila's wheels were already moving. She leaned to Jill and whispered something that made her nod in agreement.

"Hmmmm....I never thought about her." Jill and Lila were already plotting Noah's last days as a single man.

Noah was like a character in an old novel. He had an aura about him that was old world yet he resembled a modern gothic. He was always dressed in black and white and sported a blonde mane that was secured in a long ponytail. He read voraciously, entertained everyone with his magic skills and was considered the family tinkerer. He was seldom seen in the company of a woman using the excuse that he hadn't found his equal in mind and spirit.

He would be a challenge for both Lila and Jill but if they could turn Bear into a husband and father, Noah would be an interesting undertaking.

Lila and Bam bid Matt and Jill good night as both couples were anxious to take advantage of a childless night.

Lila readied for bed pulling a brush through her hair as Bam settled into bed. "Bam, what if we had never met?"

"We were destined to meet, babe."

"What if I had fallen for Matt before you?"

"He never stood a chance."

"What if...." Bam cut his wife's line of questioning off.

"Lila, if my wife doesn't come to bed and soon, I can't remind her why she married me."

Lila gazed at his reflection in the mirror.  "Remind me, please, remind me."

Jason Mraz- The Woman I Love

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