Chapter 300 Convictions

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Gabe stomped all the way back to his place muttering to himself. Understanding the subtleties of women were not his strong suit even after being married for awhile. Lucy ran hot and cold on the subject of children. His older brothers had expanded their families and he was feeling somewhat left behind. He loved all his nieces and nephews but he wanted more, someone to call his own.

Lucy, on the other hand, was scared of the responsibilities of parenthood. She enjoyed the time spent with all the kids as babysitters but she always felt relieved giving the kids back to their parents. Gabe would have kept them for however long his brothers allowed. He felt a tinge of jealousy watching Matt pass down his knowledge to his boys and he enjoyed watching Bam being a doting father especially to his daughters. Even Bear was relishing fatherhood with Violet and her sister, Daisy.

"I thought you were sleeping somewhere else tonight."

"I changed my mind."

"I see. Your brothers sent you home, didn't they?"

"No! That was my decision."

"Gabey, I know you better than that. They sent you home. It's that macho man thing you guys share."

Lucy was right. He was a bad liar but he was good at other things.

"I'm going to bed."

"Angry?" Lucy questioned his demeanor.

"No. Just disappointed." He disappeared into the bedroom. Lucy followed and slipped between the sheets next to him.

"We promised never to go to bed angry."

Gabe propped himself up on one arm facing his wife. He could hear the voices of his brothers in his head and decided to give their family secret a try.

"Baby, I am not angry." He leaned in kissing her ever so lightly.

"Mmmm, now that's the Gabe I know and love." She kissed him back attempting to deepen her kiss. He playfully accommodated her move. His hand graced her cheek and then her shoulder. She enjoyed the feel of his work worn hands but he was always careful to be gentle as sometimes he didn't realize his own strength.

Lucy edged closer to him. "You know," she whispered, "Make up sex is always fun."

Gabe nibbled at her neck as she attempted to slip out of her camisole. She moved his hand to her chest and it didn't take long to feel the telltale signs of her want.

Gabe secretly held strong to his convictions and again could hear the advice of his brothers. "Bring her to the edge and then cut her off."

He flopped back on his pillow. "I'm kind of tired tonight. Maybe we can pick this up another time."

Gabe rolled to his side of the bed, turned off the light, and smiled to himself in the dark as his wife huffed next to him, tossing and turning and a little unfulfilled.


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