Chapter 216 Shop Talk

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"What's on the agenda today?" Bam dressed as Lila finished making the bed. "More rest?"

"If you're feeling up to it, I thought we would do a little shopping for the family."

"I'm up for the task if you just need me to be your bag boy." Bam wrapped an arm around his wife's waist feeling her growing belly.

"And it's a task perfectly suited to you. No stress."

"Someone's starting to show." He smiled remembering how awkward she felt during her first pregnancy with the twins.

"I know and I could use some clothes. I refuse to be the disaster I was when I was carrying Jace and Lily."

"You were beautiful then and more beautiful now." He kissed her neck, his favorite part of her body amongst other things.

"Bam....babe...please let's not get your motor started. I really need to get some things in town." She pushed him away playfully and he groaned in disappointment.

"If my heart doesn't kill me, the lack of sex will." He smacked her on the ass as she blew past him.

"Bam Brown, keep the smart mouth talk up and you'll be sleeping alone. Now, fetch the truck for me." She threw a set of keys to him and sent him downstairs while she finished dressing.

They fought over who would drive into Juneau. She finally conceded and let him drive as long as he promised not to get angry over the stop and go traffic. Once in town, they found a parking space as Lila whipped out of list of things she had compiled on the ride into town.

Bam made his way to the passenger side door and helped her out. After all their years together, he still treated her like a gentleman, opening doors, holding her hand, walking on the side of the street closest to the road. Most women wouldn't have taken notice of those small things but Lila did. She always felt treasured by him and her heart still skipped a beat when his hand would brush up against hers. The thought of ever being without him was unimaginable to her. Whether he liked it or not, she was going to make sure he worked less and took better care of himself. She was going to find a way to spend more time with him even with their third child on the way. No one in her mind could ever hold a candle to him and she was going to make sure this health scare didn't happen again.

"Where to first, my lady? I await your diections." Bam slipped his hand in hers and off they went.

"There's a shop up here and I want to get some leggings and shirts. I would like to look a little less like a beached whale and a little more like my former self."

Bam followed her in the store like a dutiful husband. He found a comfy chair to relax in while she perused the store finally settling on several pairs of leggings that would stretch with her growing figure and an array of oversized shirts.

"Where to next?" He asked.

"The bookstore. The girls have a few book titles they wanted me to find and I thought we could pick up some books for all the kids."

Bam loved the bookstore just as much as Lila. While she pulled the books for Rain and Bird, he found the photography section and flipped through several books on techniques. Lila slipped up behind him. "It's been some time since you've pulled out your camera. Maybe you should find a way to work a little less and focus on what you love."

He nodded in agreement. " I think I might just do that after the homes are finished. I miss taking pictures of the wilderness around me."

"We need to stop at the lingerie store. I need to get some thing pretty for Lucy and Gabe's wedding night. You can help me pick out something that Gabe will like."

"Lingerie store! Are we picking up anything new for you?" Bam gave her a quick hug. "You know I have a weakness for lace."

"You also have a one track mind, Mr. Brown."

"It keeps things interesting, Mrs. Brown."

Most men would have despised a trip to the lingerie store but not Bam. He appreciated everything about the women's lingerie shop from the fragrant scent of lavender that greeted them when they walked into the shop to the classical music that played softly in the background to the lovely feel of silk and lace on every display.

"What do you think Gabe would like to see Lucy in?"

Bam laughed and replied, "Nothing!"

Lila giggled at his response. "Seriously now."

Bam pointed in the direction of a silky soft pink chemise. "I think he likes the really girly stuff."

Lila held the chemise up to herself and looked at it in the mirror. "I like it. Let's get some pink panties and a bra to match."

"Now you're speaking my language." Bam led the way to that section of the shop.

Lila found a perfect bra and panty set and had the shopkeeper wrap them up as a gift to Lucy while Bam made a selection for his wife.

"How about this one for me?" Bam held a lilac lace set up to his chest.

"I don't think it matches your eyes." Lila and the shopkeeper exchanged silly looks with Bam as he began to  blush.

"No, I mean for you to wear."

"I know what you meant, babe. Now pay the lady for this and we'll take the lacy lilac number for you."

Bam's day was already beginning to improve. He had scored new lingerie for her and now he needed just to figure out how to score with her tonight.

Endless Love -Lionel Ritchie and Shania Twain

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