Chapter 332 The Blessing

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Matt managed to wrangle in a pair of jeans as Bam barked orders to hurry up. Lila escorted Jill and her hospital bag to Bam's truck as Jill's contractions were beginning to roll through her body. The brothers finally made it outside with Bam assuming the driver's position and Matt sliding in next to Jill.

"Why didn't you wake me up babe?" Matt stroked her cheek.

"I tried Mattie but it's like waking the dead." Jill laid her head against Matt's shoulder concentrating on her breathing. She winced as the contractions became more frequent.

"Can you go any faster Bam?" Matt was becoming impatient with Bam's respect the danger pace of driving.

"I'm trying to get us to the hospital in one piece."

"At the rate you're going, we might be having this baby in the back seat."

Lili interjected, "Would you two quit bickering? Jill needs to concentrate on her breathing and the two of you aren't helping."

Matt carried Jill through the emergency doors announcing their need for a doctor with Bam and Lila in tow. Within a matter of minutes, green scrubbed hospital staff appeared moving Jill to a wheelchair and dashing her off to a delivery room. The threesome found their way to the waiting room as Matt wore a hole in the carpet pacing back and forth. Minutes later, a nurse appeared and asked if Matt wanted to be in the delivery room. He peeled out of his jacket and hat and followed eagerly behind the nurse.

Bam and Lila made themselves comfortable in familiar surroundings as they reminisced over their time in the hospital. "Seems like we've spent a lot of time at this place." Lila nervously traced a circle on top of her husband's hand.

"More so than I care to remember." Bam reflected momentarily on those times but quickly changed the subject. He was never good at dealing with his own feelings and didn't care to dwell in the past. He was better at managing other people's situations and the distraction of Matt and Jill's impending baby was something to look forward to that evening. 

"Have you given any thought to what I asked you the other night?" Lila held her breath waiting for his response.

He looked at her shaking his head and relunctantly answered. "I did."

"You know you have to let her go sooner or later." Lila tried to hide her smile. "Bird is not going to find her heart unless you let her. She wants your blessing. She won't accept Joe's proposal without it. She still thinks of herself as a mother hen to all of you."

"It's not that easy....letting her go. I mean he's a good guy and all, but it sure would be a lot more simple if they lived here."

"So you will tell her tomorrow?"

"Will it make you happy?" He asked never being able to refuse her anything.

"It will make her very happy. And yes, it will make me happy too." She grabbed her husband by the scruff of his beard and planted a soft kiss on him.

He grumbled, kissing her back. "Women rule my life."

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