Chapter 243 Christmas Presents

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Just before they were to join his family at the main house to celebrate Christmas Eve, Noah made a detour with Blue to a tree dotted spot next to where Gabe and Lucy's home was under construction. The star filled night sky provided the only illumination as Noah carefully dusted off a tree stump and had Blue take a seat.

"I wanted to give you your present without my family gawking at us." Noah pulled a box delicately wrapped and handed it to Blue.

The box was somewhat heavy. She shook it for effect. "I can't imagine what it could be. Should I open it now?"

"By all means." Noah replied pumped up with pride. He had found the perfect gift for her.

She slowly untied the silver ribbon and took special care not to tear the paper. Once the wrap was off, her fingers opened the lid to reveal its contents.

She looked perplexed gazing into the box. "You gave me a box of dirt?" Blue wasn't quite sure how to react to Noah's gift.

"It's not just a box of dirt. It's land. Our land. To make a future and a home for us." He paused inhaling deeply. "And if you dig a little deeper in the box, there's someting else."

As Blue moved the dirt around with two fingers, she spotted another box....a ring box. Noah had already taken a knee before her and began to speak in a most eloquent manner. "Blue, I've found everything I've ever wanted right here in Akaska. My life here would be incomplete without you. That box represents our future and all you have to do is say yes."

Blue gasped at his proposal. He was giving her something she always wanted. Roots. A place to call her own with a man she had strong feelings for.  It was the whole, a home and a true love based on mutual adoration.

"No...ah. I don't know what to say." He had caught her off guard. His gesture was so grandiose.

"Just say you will be my wife." Noah took the ring box from her hand, opened it and gently slid the ring on her finger. He looked at her glistening eyes and didn't need to hear the words anymore. He knew it was a yes.

"Rose, we're gonna be late for dinner if you dont get a move on it?" Bear hollered to the back of the house as he struggled with Violet's coat.

"Bear, we are already late." Rose stood in the doorway beaming like she held some great secret.

"You know that Da doesn't like when we're late."  Bear pulled a beanie onto Violet's curly head as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"I don't think Billy or Ami will mind much if we are late. Sometimes it's good to be fashionably late." Bear whipped around to encourage Red to hurry it up when he noticed her waving a small stick at him.

"What's that?" He asked as he pulled his jacket on.

"That my lovely husband is your handiwork."

"I dont even know what that is. Would you quit talking in circles and let's get a move on it?"

"Anything you say," Red paused for effect, "Daddy."

Her announcement took Bear a minute to register. His eyes flashed to hers and his smile widened. "Did you just call me Daddy?"

"Uh huh. That's what you call an expectant father, isnt it?"


"Gabe, can you come in here for a minute? My earring rolled under the bed. Can you find it for me?" It was a lame excuse but Lucy was ready to present her Christmas gift to Gabe so he could take it to the family dinner.

Gabe was a dutiful husband and got down on hands and knees to search for her errant earring. As he lifted the cover to search under the bed, he saw a guitar case hidden under the bed. Lucy could hear him mumble "What's this?"

"Merry Christmas Gabey!" Lucy watched as Gabe gently pulled the case from under the bed. He flipped the lid open and turned to look at her.

"How did you afford this?" Gabe knew money had been tight since they started their build.

"Nevermind that. Do you like it?"

Gabe pulled the instrument from its case and played a few chords. "I love it, Luce."

And love it he did, as he, Lucy and the guitar headed to the his parents' house for their Christmas Eve celebration.


Matt, Jill and the boys were the first to arrive at the mainhouse all decked out in their holiday pjs to include Jill. They all looked rather cute in their plaid pajamas.

Ami, Billy and the girls got a kick out of the matching plaid that Matt's family sported.

"Do you really like them?" Jill whispered in Matt's ear as they watched the boys hang their stockings.

Matt whispered back making Jill blush. "Their family appropriate, but when I get you home, I'm coming to show you how much better they will look on the floor."

"Matthew J., that kind of talk will get a girl pregnant."

Matt chuckled and responded back, "And that's a bad thing?"


"Bam. Bam." Lila's voice grew louder and slightly more panicky. "Joshua!"

This time her husband came flying into the room followed by Jace and Lily. Lily looked at her dad and then her mom and asked, "Mommy, why is the floor wet?"

Bam repeated the same question to Lila. "Lila, why is the floor wet?"

"Bam, my water broke." Lila tried to remain calm. After all, he was here this time. They were near a clinic. There was a midwife on standby.

Bam quickly escorted his wife to the bed. "Stay put. I'm going to take the kids to the mainhouse and bring back my Ma."

Lila nodded slowly as Bam once again told her to stay in the bed. He quickly hustled the Brownies out of his house and over to the mainhouse. As he burst through the door, the only thing anyone heard was "Lila's in labor."

The Dance Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon