Chapter 281 Family Day

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Bam woke to find his entire family snuggled up around him in the bed he shared with Lila. She laid next to him with Gypsy nestled in the middle. Jace was curled up at the foot of the bed and Lily had found her niche next to her mom. As a rule, he and Lila rarely let the kids invade their marriage bed but the previous night was special. They had accepted the fact that a fourth baby would join their little clan and Lila wanted to share the news with her oldest children that a new addition was to be expected. She wanted nothing to be different about this baby regardless of the paternity. It was something she and Bam had agreed to the night before. Bam was content at the sight of his sleeping family. At times, he couldn't believe that they were all his. He watched their faces as they slept in the morning light. He turned slightly trying not to disturb Gypsy. His hand gently fluttered over Lila's stomach curious as to if they would be adding a boy or girl to their family. She stirred at his touch.  Still half asleep with eyes closed, she murmured the words 'love you'.

He brushed an errant hair from her face. He whispered back to her. "I love you too. Go back to sleep lovely." She mumbled something inaudible and fell back into her slumber. Jace and Lily were beginning to wake. Their sweet faces were always a welcome comfort with their wild hair and sleepy eyes.

"Who wants to make pancakes?" He whispered to the twins. "We'll let mommy sleep a little longer." The twins and Bam slipped out of bed careful not to disturb sleeping beauty and Gypsy. He grabbed their hands and quietly snuck downstairs to the kitchen. The twins were willing assistants but they seemed to wear more of the pancake mix on them. As they banged and clanged pots and pans around the kitchen, Lila woke to the commotion and went to investigate. With Gypsy carefully planted on her hip, she stood in the doorway watching Bam give instructions on the art of making pancakes.

He caught her watching and shooed her back upstairs so Lily and Jace could surprise their mom with breakfast in bed. When they had completed their culinary creations, Bam carried the breakfast tray while the twins followed with a glass of orange juice and applesauce for Gypsy. The twins stood at the foot of the bed and yelled surprise as Lila pretended she had no knowledge of their kitchen shenanigans. The twins looked so precious standing with their dad. Lila thought they favored him strongly with their dark hair and blue eyes.

"We made pancakes." Jace jumped on the bed and Lily followed.

"Good morning, lovely." Bam situated the tray in front of his wife. "You eat and I'll feed Gypsy."

Lila sat with the Brownies on either side of her giving each a hug for their efforts. "You both are getting so big now."

Gypsy fidgeted as Bam attempted to feed her ending up with more applesauce on him than in Gypsy's tummy. "I was thinking today we could do something fun. How would you all like to go out on the boat today to do some fishing?" Jace jumped at the chance to fish with his dad. With work being so busy, Jace missed spending time with his dad.

"Lily, you can bring your camera and take pictures for your mom." Lily smiled as she wasn't much for baiting hooks. Ever since she saw her Uncle Matt eat fish eyes on a previous excursion with the whole family, she refused to partake in the family fun of deep sea fishing. She had however  developed an interest in taking pictures ever since her mom had given her an old camera and her dad was teaching her how to develop film.

"You think you can handle a fishing trip in your condition mommy," asked Bam.

"I guess Gypsy and I can stay in the wheelhouse while you three have fun. I'll pack a lunch for us as I am sure all my fishermen will get hungry being on the water."

"Why don't you two get dressed while mommy eats and round up your gear." The Brownies raced out of the room to dress. Bam carried Gypsy to her crib after breakfast and settled her down so that Lila could shower in peace.

From his vantage point, he watched as Lila slipped her nightgown off and let it pool at her feet. Regardless of how many times he had seen her in the buff, she always stirred something deep and primal inside him. He could see the slight curve in her body as a new life grew inside her. She moved with a slow elegance as she pulled her hair up and off her shoulders. She turned to see him watching her and smiled at him. "There's room for two in here," suggested Lila as she disappeared into the bathroom. She didn't have to ask him twice.

Lay Me Down-Brian Crum
and Janel Parrish

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