Chapter 333 What's in a Name

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Jill awoke to find Matt in her room sitting at the edge of her bed. Next to him, carefully situated, was the hospital bassinet, and in it rested the newest Brown baby. Matt turned as he heard his wife's whisper call his name.

His eyes twinkled a smile back at her. "She's so beautiful Jillian."

"She?" Jill asked.

Matt nodded back at her. "She is everything I wished for and more."

Matt gently moved the bassinet closer so that Jill could see the product of her last nine months. "Look at her. She has more hair on her head than a baby monkey."

Matt gently stroked her head with his forefinger. "I named her." He looked back at Jill. "I hope you don't mind."

Jill didn't mind. Matt had so wanted a baby girl that it only seemed right he select the name of their daughter. "What name did you give her?"

"I think we will call her Madeline Ivy Brown. We could call her Maddie for short but if you don't like it, I could come up with something else." Matt hesitated for a moment waiting for Jill's approval.

"Madeline. Madeline Ivy Brown. I like it. I now have my Mattie and my Maddie." Jill reached for her husband's hand squeezing it in support of his selection.

"Do you feel up to Bam and Lila coming in? They've been camped out in the waiting room all night."

"A mirror and a hairbrush first."

"Where's this new niece of mine?" Bam peered around the hospital room door just as Matt gently placed Madeline in Jill's arms. Lila squealed with delight as she bent to kiss Jill's cheek pushing past Bam.

"Look at her Bam. She's just precious." Lila fawned over her niece as Bam again congratulated the couple on their newest family member.

Bam nudged Matt in the ribs. "Better start saving your pennies. With all these Brown girls between you, Bear and me, we are going to be paying for a lot of weddings in the future."

"So what did you name her?" Lila asked as she snapped a picture with her phone.

"We're going to call her Madeline Ivy."

Lila excitedly exclaimed. "In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines..."

Jill joined in as the brothers looked at each other surprised that they both were reciting the same words. "In two straight lines they broke their bread, and brushed their teeth and went to bed. They left the house at half past nine in two straight lines in rain or shine-The smallest one was Madeline!"

Lila and Jill broke out in laughter as they both had obviously been fans of the Madeline stories as children. "Oh Lila, think of the adventures our daughters will have together."

Matt interjected with his usual humor. "I did good then with the name?"

"Yes, babe, you did very well with the name."

Matt beamed proud as Bam shoved him sideways. He too was proud of Matt.

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