Chapter 282 Secrets and Lies

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Jill had begun to notice a restlessness in Matt that she had never seen before. She knew his workload at the mill had increased and the stress of keeping up with orders were beginning to take their toll on her husband. His sleep patterns, although erratic at times, were becoming more so. His appetite for food waned. But more so, his appetite for her had diminished, something they never had issues with before. He skirted her advances much to her continued disappointment. Her sixth sense nagged at her continually that something wasn't quite right but everytime she tried to broach the subject, he feigned tiredness.

Jill rolled over in bed to find Matt's side empty and cold. It wasn't the first time. She would normally return to her sleep but tonight something told her to find him. She searched the house but only found their boys fast asleep in their respective rooms. She returned to her room and dressed to explore further. From their bedroom window, she caught a glimpse of yellow light piercing the dark front of the mill. She assumed he couldn't sleep and had gone back to his office to finish the backlog of paperwork.

Moonlight lit her path from their front door to the steps of the mill where she quietly entered. She treaded lightly to the office he shared with Bam not wanting to startle him. As she peeked her head around the doorway, her heart sank as she saw the bottle first and then him, passed out from the obvious consumption of its contents.

Of all the things she thought, she never imagined this sight. He had fought so hard to overcome his demons from the past but somehow they had crawled back into his life unnoticed by her. She assumed he must have been drinking for weeks, maybe even longer than that. He must have been hiding his drinking from her, from Bam, from the entire family. It all suddenly made sense to her. He had obviously been keeping his distance from her trying to hide his  behaviour. It was clear as day now and yet she couldn't find her way to confront him at that moment. Arguing with a drunk would amount to nothing because the appeal of the drink was stronger than the love of family. She stilled her fear and anger and wanted nothing more to help him but sobriety was an individual journey. He would have to want to give it up of his own accord. She knew that. He chose her over the drink once before. She wiped the tears from her cheeks as she found herself knocking at Bam and Lila's door in the middle of the night.

A sleepy eyed Bam answered her knock surprised to see her at the door at 2:00am. "Jill, is everything alright?" 

Jill trembled as she fell against her brother-in-law's chest sobbing. Bam called upstairs for Lila who hastily flew down the stairs. Between her heavy sobs, they deciphered the reason for her tears. "He's drinking again."

"Oh Jilly, no." Lila was surprised. "How? Why? When?"

Bam offered to make tea to calm her nerves
while Lila comforted her on the couch. "I knew something wasn't right. He's been so withdrawn from me. I thought he lost interest in me like there might be someone else."

Bam felt slightly awkward overhearing the conversation but felt it necessary to chime in. "Matt loves you. Don't ever doubt that.  But tonight he loved the booze more. It's a behaviour unfortunately we've seen before."

"But why? Everything has been going so well. He has more business then he can handle. The boys are doing great. Things have been a little strained between us but I think he was pushing me away so I wouldn't suspect he was drinking again."

Lila and Bam exchanged concerned looks. Lila nodded her head in Jill's direction trying to get her husband to intervene in the matter. He shook his head no. But Lila's eyes and the sharp nod of her head a second time told him he didn't have a choice.

"Jill, do you want me to speak with Matt?" Lila smiled in appreciation. Bam just shook his head as he didn't like to inject himself in between the relationships of his brothers and their wives. Bam couldn't say no as Jill's red swollen tear filled eyes stared back at her. "I will speak to him in the morning."

Crystal Gayle-Don't it make my brown eyes blue

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