Chapter 201 Sick Day

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Gabe and Lucy both called in "sick." Although they both received separate calls, Bam and Red were wise to what Lucy and Gabe were up to. Lila had convinced Bam to cut Gabe a break. It was the first time in a very long time that he had taken an interest in a girl and the Brown wives liked Lucy. She was a good fit for their tightly knit sisterhood but what they loved most about her is how happy she seemed to make Gabe.

Red teased Lucy when she called in sick and wanted to know if she had "Brown fever" as all the Brown wives at one point or another had experienced a severe case of it. Lucy groaned on the phone. "Geez, Red, does everyone know?"

Red reminded Lucy that there were very few secrets within the Brown family. "You will come to know that when you become one of us."

"One of us?" She asked inquisitively.

"A Brown wife." Red replied.

Lucy went silent on the phone. She knew Gabe was moving fast but that was break neck speed to her. "Did Gabe tell you that?"

Red laughed. "Honey, he didn't have to. You can see it when he looks at you. Don't you see it?"

Lucy didn't see it. "Um, I have to go Red. I'll be in earlier tomorrow. I owe you one."

Lucy hung the phone up as Gabe walked into the bedroom. "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, babe. Now why don't you put down that slice of pizza and show me again why we called in sick." She threw back the covers on the bed and patted the spot next to her.

"Wow! I never knew being 'sick' could be so much fun." He wasted no time in claiming his spot back in bed and back inside her.

Gabe and Lucy spent most of the day sleeping and making love. She was convinced by the next day she wouldn't be able walk because they had so much sex. His appetite for her was voracious and she had no complaints. Every time she was convinced they couldn't find the strength to go again, they both did. The old adage 'still waters run deep' was an understatement when it came to Gabe. He may not have been a man of a lot of words but his actions both inside and outside of the bed spoke volumes.

Michael Buble-Fever

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