Chapter 212 Babysitters

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Matt and Bam dropped off Jace, Lily, Colton and Lucas at Gabe and Lucy's place. It had been awhile since the elder brothers and their wives had a date night so Lucy eagerly volunteered to keep the kids for the evening. Bam reassured Gabe they wouldn't be out too long. Of course, the kids were excited because Uncle Gabe was lots of fun and Miss Lucy was the cookie lady.

Lucas and Jace already hung off Gabe's massive biceps while Lily Rose quietly slipped her hand into Lucy's. Tears streamed down her little face as Bam kneeled to reassure her he and mommy would be back after dinner and a movie. Bam wiped away her little tears with his thumbs and whispered in her ear. "Who loves you to the moon and back?"

Lily sniffled. "You do."

"Who gives you the stars every night?"

"You do." Her sniffles began to lessen.

"And who loves you as deep as an ocean?"

"You do, daddy."

"Have I ever not come back?" Bam asked her as she fiddled with his hair.

"You always come back." She softly replied.

"Then why are you crying?" Lily Rose looked into his crinkled eyes and touched his beard with her small hand. She toed the floor with her tiny shoe.

"Cause I love you and I'll miss you."
Bam's heart melted when his baby girl told him that. He never thought that he could love more completely then the love he felt for her mother but Lily Rose was just like her and had stolen his heart from the day he first met her.

Matt had settled Colton down in the bedroom and reminded Lucy that if he woke up to just send Lucas to settle him down. The baby whisperer always seemed to have a knack for calming his baby brother.

Gabe and Lucy pushed the dads out of their apartment, turned to the kids and screamed, "Who is ready to have fun?" Gabe picked up Lily and swung her around in a flurry of giggles. Lucas and Jace quickly grabbed Gabe's legs making him immobile. In a few seconds, he was laying on the floor in a dog pile of kids laughing right a long with them. Lucy prepared cookies and milk and everyone piled on the floor with pillows and blankets to watch a movie together. Lucy snuggled in the crook of Gabe's arm. Lily Rose sat between Lucy's legs while the boys stretched out at their feet.

When the movie was over, the lateness of the hour was catching up with all the kids. "Tell us a story Uncle Gabe." Lucas pleaded with his uncle as he didn't want to go to bed.

Gabe conceded, disappeared into the room and returned with his guitar. "How about a song instead?" The boys sat on either side of Gabe, and Lily Rose sat in Lucy's lap. Gabe strummed a few chords and asked what they wanted to hear.

Lily piped up and made a request for a girl song. Her brother and cousin groaned. Gabe patted the front of his guitar and then began to play a familiar tune.

"That's the one!" Lily laid her head on Lucy's chest as Gabe began to play "My Brown Eyed Girl."

After a few more songs, one by one the kids feel asleep and eventually so did Lucy and Gabe in one big pile of pillows and blankets surrounded by Lily, Jace and Lucas.

When the couples returned to pick their children up later that evening, the four stood in Lucy's living room. "Should we wake them?" Matt asked quietly.

"No let them sleep. They look exhausted." Lila responded quietly lifting a sleeping Jace into Bam's arms. Jill gathered up Colton while Matt took Lucas. Lila scooped up Lily who peered at her daddy through sleepy eyes. "Hi daddy."

"Hi Lily." He leaned over and kissed her forehead attempting to not wake Jace. Bam flipped the lights off and carefully shut the door leaving Lucy and Gabe sound asleep together on the floor.

Van Morrison-Brown Eyed Girl

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