Chapter 285 The Last Kiss

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"I can't watch this any longer." Lila slammed her hands down on Bam's desk. "Every night, it is the same thing. He lingers on the steps and stares up at her window for hours. It's ridiculous. Why can't one of them give an inch?"

Bam sat with his arms behind his head and his feet propped up on the desk. "They need to work it out themselves princess. You know how I feel about meddling."

"It isn't meddling. You need to talk to your jackass brother and get him to concede he has a problem."

"He knows he has a problem. That's why he is going to rehab at the end of the week. I made the arrangements for him this morning."

"What?" Lila was stunned to hear that announcement. "He agreed to that?"

"I gave him a choice. Rehab or relocate."

"Relocate?" Lila appeared puzzled.

"I told him we weren't going to continue this dance. He needs to get help or move out of Browntown. The boys shouldn't have to choose sides and Jill needs a partner she can trust again."

"You did that for them? Aren't you breaking your own rule?"

"I'm not meddling. I am just taking control of the situation."

Lila flashed him a smile as she crawled into his lap. "Have I told you how much I love you today?"

"Uh, how about you show me later?" He gave her a smirk and kissed her neck.

Lila and Bam invited Jill for dinner. They had made arrangements for all the kids to stay with Gabe and Lucy for the evening encouraging her to take a break from being both mother and father. Unbeknownst to Jill, they had also invited Matt as he was leaving the next day for a 30 day in-patient rehab program. As much as they hated to spring the news on Jill, both Bam and Lila agreed she needed to know Matt was leaving and Matt needed his wife to know he was finally addressing the issue that stood between them.

Jill let herself in. "I brought dessert." She carried a chocolate cake into the kitchen. "I made your favorite Bam." He gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Now this is a way to a man's heart."

"Yes sir, it is." A surprised Jill turned to find Matt behind her. "Bam has always been a sucker for a chocolate cake."

"Matthew. What are you doing here?" Jill looked to Lila for an answer.

Lila turned to Bam. "This is your dog and pony show."

"Matt has something to tell you and since neither of you could meet in the middle, we decided to give you a gentle push."

"I can't do this." Jill turned to leave but Matt caught her arm.

"Please. Just a few minutes of your time is all I ask." Matt's sad blue eyes were hard to resist even if they had lost their sparkle.

"How about we leave you two alone for awhile? We'll be upstairs if you need us."
Bam pushed Lila towards the stairs as Matt followed Jill to the living room.

Jill sat. Matt stood. Both felt an awkwardness like they didn't know each other any more. He toed the floor with his boot and nervously rocked back and forth with his hands scrunched into his pockets. He spoke first, "I know you're disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in myself. I should have come to you and told you what was happening to me. I didn't and that was a mistake."

Jill found it hard to look at her husband. The swirl of emotions in her was palpable. Resentment. Anger. Distrust. Love. She fought hard not to burst into an ocean of tears.

"I thought we were stronger than your problem. I thought we would conquer everything as a team but you didn't give me a chance to help you. You decided all by yourself that you could address this issue without me. You made a bad choice not just with the booze but in not believing we could beat this together."

"Jilly, I can't keep apologizng because you don't think I'm sorry. I'm going to show you that I am."

"And how will you do that Matt?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow... for a 30 day treatment program. Bam made the arrangements this week and I have agreed to go. I want to come back to you a better man if you will let me."

Jill choked back the tears as his words were the relief she needed to hear. "You will always have a place in my heart Matthew. It seems like an awfully long time to be away from me and the boys. If you successfully complete the program, I'll be here waiting for you to return stronger and sober." She paused momentarily and took a deep breath before she spoke again. "But know this, Matthew, if you fail, I won't be here when you come home and neither will the boys."

Matt moved closer to her extending a hand to her. She reached for it and he pulled her to her feet. It was the first time he had touched her in weeks. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked her directly in the eyes. "You and the boys are my whole world. I'm not going to fail. I miss you. I miss being one with you."

'You miss me?" She whispered back.

His hand gently held her chin as he hesitated for a moment looking for a sign that he could kiss her. Her hands moved upwards and rested on his chest. His heart raced as he asked her, "Would you mind very much if I kissed you goodbye?"

Taylor Swift-Last Kiss

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