Chapter 253 Girls and Their Boys

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Jill and Lucy delivered lunch as usual to the mill. "Okay, boys, come and get it!" Lucy hollered out the door to Matt and Gabe who were busy unloading a new shipment of freshly cut trees.

Heavy footsteps approached the girls from behind as an unfamiliar voice spoke. "If that isn't a pretty sight?"

Lucy and Jill whipped around to find Nato standing there slightly covered in sawdust and sweat. Jill recognized him immediately from the dance and nudged Lucy. "That's him," she whispered to her sister-in-law.

Lucy couldn't take her eyes off of the handsome stranger. He was tall and dark and his arms were emblazed with tattoo sleeves of many colors. Jill elbowed Lucy in the ribs as she could tell her eyes lingered to long on the stranger. His deep voice boomed as he spoke. "I see all the Brown men have excellent taste in women."

Jill and Lucy giggled like school girls at the compliment just as Gabe and Matt rounded the corner. "I see you have met Nato, our new carpenter." Matt made introductions. "That beautiful woman on the right is Jill, my taskmaster and that's Lucy, Gabey's wife."

"Well, ladies, the pleasure is all mine." Gabe shot his brother a look of consternation. He was usually a pretty happy-go-lucky sort of guy but suddenly, he felt very territorial of his woman and made an obvious gesture to wrap his muscled arm around his wife's waist indicating she was off limits.

Jill made small chat as she unwrapped the sandwiches and chips she had packed offering Nato a plate. She attempted not to be so overt by asking him if he had seen Lila yet.

Nato chuckled and responded, "I am pretty sure Bam has banned her from coming to visit. He wasn't exactly thrilled to learn that Matt hired me."

"I'm sure that's not the case. Lila and Bam are solid, always have been, always will be."

"Matthew, can I see you outside for a moment?" Jill motioned to the door and her husband followed behind her. "What did you do?" She shoved his shoulder hard. "Did you invite danger into our world?"

"Danger? What is it with you and Bam? I needed a carpenter. He needed a job. And he has got the skills I need to make this furniture business a success."

"I don't like this Matt. Not one of your better ideas." Jill called to Lucy as she left Matt standing outside the mill contemplating his decision.

Lucy caught up to Jill quickly. "Oh my god, he's gorgeous!"

Jill snapped back. "And that's what makes him all the more dangerous. I'll catch up with you at dinner. I'm going to stop by Lila's place."

Lucy and Jill departed ways and Jill walked at a quickened pace to see Lila. She peered through the kitchen door and found Bam finishing up lunch. Lila waved her in.

"Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to check in on you both."

Bam looked up from his meal. "You're a bad liar. And yes, she already knows."

Bam pushed his chair away from the table, kissing his wife longer than usual and headed back to his office at the mill. "He isn't happy over Matt's new hire."

Jill replied back, "And what about you?"

Lila whipped around and looked at her sister-in-law with surprise. She groaned audibly. "Not you, too."

"Come on, Lila. He is an extremely attractive man and you do have history with him."

Lila sighed. "Not that kind of history. I never slept with him. All of you are giving him more credit than he deserves."

"Yeah, but damn he is one fine Alaskan specimen." Jill blushed at the mere thought of him.

"Then you sleep with him." Lila threw her dish towel at Jill. "I got all the man I need in Joshua Brown, now and forever. So you can quit your worrying."

Jill mused over her tea. "If you say so girl, if you say so."

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