Chapter 312 Expectations

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Bear, with Gabe and Bird in tow, met their hunting party at the Icy Strait Lodge in Hoonah. From the raucous noise in the bar, he assumed he had found the right party. Bear surveyed the pack of five already sensing that the group would be a handful as the beer appeared to flow freely amongst them.

"I'm looking for Joe Roberts," Bear asked the party.

"Hey, you must be Sol Brown." The lanky brown haired college boy stepped forward extending a handshake. Bear introduced Gabe and Bird and Joe finished introductions of his frat brothers.

"I wanted to take a few minutes to go over my rules for the hunt before we depart in the morning. We will need to catch the morning tide to make the most of your weekend."

Joe motioned the group to a table leaving his friends at the bar. "I would prefer to have all of you hear my rules for a safe hunt."

"Don't worry, I will go over the rules with them in the morning. They're three sheets to the wind now and won't remember anything I tell them tonight."

Bear and Gabe exchanged looks with one another knowing they would have to be extra vigilant with the five of them. He now regretted not recruiting Bam for this particular hunt as he felt this group would definitely need a more firm hand.

"My rules are simple. No alcohol. No one shoots until I tell them. No wandering off alone from camp."

"Those seem pretty simple." Joe replied confidently.

"One more rule." Bear looked at Bird and back at Joe. "And no one, I mean no one, harasses my sister."

Joe glanced at Bird who felt suddenly uncomfortable. "I can assure you that I will be personally responsible for your sister's safety."

"Bird can shoot the tail feathers off a turkey from a 100 yards. Your guys might want to be aware that she carries "Butcher" everywhere she goes.

"Butcher?" Joe questioned.

Bird answered his inquiry. "That's my rifle's nickname."

"Noted!" Joe chuckled as he shook hands with Bear, Gabe and Bird.

"Then we will see you at sunrise on the docks."

Matt rolled over in bed and felt his wife missing. "Jill?" He called out her name but didn't get an answer. He quickly slipped out of bed making his way down to the lower floor of the house. He followed the light to the kitchen to find Jill rummaging through the icebox.

"Babe, what are you doing? It's past midnight."

Jill turned to look at Matt and proclaimed, "I'm hungry."

Matt's sleepy expression turned into a smile. "Cravings?"

"Uh huh." Jill answered back continuing to rummage through the freezer. "Damn, we don't have any."

"Come on back to bed. I'll go into town and get some ice cream tomorrow."

Jill pouted as her craving was strong and wouldn't be satisfied with just a glass of milk.

"Give me a minute." Matt scurried out the backdoor rummaging through his utility shed which was just another name for his hoard of junk. He came back into the kitchen plunking a box down on the counter.

"We are going to need a couple of things and about six hours. Do we have any cream?"

"What's that, Mattie?" Jill peeked down into the cardboard box. "Is that an ice cream churn?"

"I am a man of many talents." Matt fumbled with the churn.

Jill giggled and poked her husband in the ribs. "Talents yes, but you are somewhat of a hoarder. I've seen the inside of your shed."

Jill leaned against the kitchen counter watching her husband assemble the ice cream maker. He was careful to fit each piece in its correct position. He looked up  occasionally smiling at his wife as her hands gently rolled over her growing belly.  It was in these simple moments that he realized just how right she was for him despite their past struggles.

"Your daddy is such a good sport." Jill stroked her tummy again and patiently waited for hours for Matt to make her the most special vanilla ice cream she ever tasted.

Ellie Goukding-Love Me Like You Do

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