Chapter 303 A Night to Remember

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Bam's hand rested on Lila's stomach as he woke to the sensation of the baby kicking. Lila moved slightly trying to find a more confortable position. Bam had noticed the difference in this pregnancy than her previous two and a nagging feeling of doom loomed in the back of his mind. He tried to push the dark thoughts away thinking only of how wonderful it would be to have a new addition to their family. He edged closer to his sleeping wife until his chest pressed into her back. He brushed away the hair from the nape of her neck leaving soft kisses.

"Good morning,"

"Did I wake you?" He whispered to her.

"No, this baby never seems to want to sleep."

"Does this pregnancy feel different?"

Lila turned over clumsily as her belly put a small distance between she and her husband. "Everything about this pregnancy feels unusual but then...."

Bam pressed his fingers to her lips and stopped her next words. "I thought we decided a long time ago that topic was never to be brought up again. This baby is ours."

"I just thought..."

"I know what you thought. And it doesn't matter."

Lila touched her husband's face. "You are a gracious man."

He bowed his head taking her hand to his lips. "No, I am the lucky one. I always have been."

Their morning was soon interrupted by the chatter of children downstairs. "I think that's our cue to get up." Bam helped Lila out of bed and guided her down the stairs to three hungry mouths.

"Who wants pancakes?" Bam made Lila take a seat as Lily helped her dad find the makings of pancakes in their pantry.

"Mom, is Uncle Gabe still babysitting us tonight?" Jace pulled up a chair next to his mother.

"Well, he and Aunt Lucy haven't backed out yet."

Bam tried not to snicker. "Not sure he and Lucy are prepared for seven kids tonight."


Gabe and Lucy answered the knock at the door as six parents and seven children piled into their small living room. The children immediately pounced on their uncle and he wasted no time in hoisting two of his nephews on his back. The girls immediately flocked to Lucy asking a dozen questions.

"Okay Brownies, let me set some ground rules." Bam attempted to regain control over the brood. "Gabe and Lucy are in charge. Their instructions are to be respected as if they were your parents. I don't want any reports of back talking, fighting or crying. Does everyone understand?"

Jace, Colton and Lucas shoved each other playfully as Gypsy clung to Lila. Lily looked at her aunt and tried to reassure her that she would help keep them all in line after all, she was the oldest girl.

Red handed Lucy a tray of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. "I thought you might need these for later."  Lucy thanked her and carried the tray to the kitchen as parents and children said their goodbyes.

The wives left some last minute instructions with Lucy as Gabe walked his brothers to their cars. "Our advice seems to be working." Matt winked at his brother.

Gabe shrugged his shoulders. "Ask me that tomorrow night if I'm still married after this evening."

The wives quickly joined their husbands as Gabe waved farewell and headed back inside to convince Lucy that motherhood would be a piece of cake. If she could handle seven Brownies than she could handle one tiny baby.


The restaurant was crowded as usual for a Friday night but the couples didn't mind waiting. It had been quite some time since they had some adult conversation and a peaceful dinner table.

Matt and Jill whispered over their menus when Bear interrupted. "What's with all the secret chatter? You two haven't stopped since we sat down."

Red poked her husband as if to admonish him for being so nosey. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Sol, if Jill and Matt have something to say, they will share it. Until then, mind your own business and pay some attention to me."

"How could I ignore the extremely awesone cupcake sitting next to me? You're gorgeous tonight."

"Now that's more like it!" Red placed a peck on her husband's cheek.

"I'm irrestible, aren't I?" Bear smiled broadly.

"Well, you are definitely an acquired taste."

Matt cleared his throat and took Jill's hand squeezing it tightly to reassure her. "We do have some news." He paused for emphasis. Jill nodded as he looked to her again. "We're expecting another baby."

Lila and Red squealed with excitement as Bam and Bear offered their congratulations.
"That's wonderful news Matt. We're so happy for you. Maybe this time, it will be a little girl."

"We hope so." Jill bowed her head slightly looking at her stomach. "A little princess would be perfect."

"Then a princess you will have " Matt pulled Jill's hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

Lila excused herself to the ladies room apologizing for her constant disappearances. All week long she felt slightly off but she didn't want to beg off for the night as everyone was so looking forward to a night out. Lila splashed her face with a little cold water and took a few deep breaths as she felt the baby tap dancing inside her.  "Little one, you are killing me tonight."

"Should one of us check on Lila? She's been in the ladies room quite awhile." Matt fidgeted with his watch and asked the group.

"I'll go." Jill quickly disappeared to the bathroom to find Lila sitting on a bench in the lobby. She could tell from her paleness that sonething wasn't right. "Lila,  are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine Jill. This baby is really wearing me out. Don't tell Bam, please. He will only worry and I want us to enjoy tonight. Besides we need to celebrate your news."

Jill agreed to keep her secret helping Lila up and patting her face dry with a tissue from her bag. "I don't like keeping secrets from your husband."

"I know Jill. You're a good friend." Lila waddled back to the table as Bam stood up to help her back into her chair.

"You okay, princess?" Bam looked worried as Lila tried to assuage his concern.

"I'm fine Joshua. Don't worry yourself to death. Now let's order some dinner. I'm in the mood for something decadent."

Bam carefully watched Jill as she intently  watched his wife and his sixth sense told him something wasn't fine at all.

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