Chapter 213 Pause

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It didn't take long before word spread that Lucy agreed to marry Gabe. A long howl from Gabe signaled the good news. Lucy laughed as she heard a resounding round of howls coming back to them from the direction of Browntown II.

"I think you're family is happy." Lucy wrapped an arm around Gabe's waist.

"They made you an honorary it's time I make it official."

"Gabe, I don't want a long engagement."

"Neither do I." Gabe kissed her forehead. "I want to get our life started."

Lila woke to the sound of Bam pacing the floor. She slipped out of bed and walked to his office.

"Bam, what's wrong?" Lila walked towards him.

"I can't sleep. Too much on mind."

"Babe, it's all going to work out. You worry too much about everything and everyone."

"Someone has to be in charge."

"And it doesn't always have to be you. Everyone is in a good place. The build is going well and we will be in our new home before the baby comes."

Bam rubbed Lila's belly that was just now starting to show. "Are you ready for this new baby," he asked with his usual concern.

"I'm ready for every chapter of our life, even the unexpected parts." Lila kissed his hand. "Come back to bed, Joshua. You should know by now I don't like sleeping without you."


Work began early on the houses with Noah beginning the electrical work on the first of the houses. To make the work go faster, Gabe and Bear volunteered to serve as Noah's helpers today. Bam and Matt worked feverishly to finish off the remaining exterior work on the homes so they could also help expedite the electrification of all the homes. Getting Lila and Jill into permanent homes was a huge priority as the family was growing again.

Bam and Matt exchanged heated words back and forth as they worked. Both were under tremendous stress struggling to balance family, business and homes.

"Bam, quit stressing man. You're making everyone around here crazy."
Matt didn't get a response from Bam. He called his name again. When he heard nothing, he went to investigate.

Matt found Bam sitting on the stairs. The color had drained from his face. "I'm not feeling so hot."

Matt called for his brothers. Noah took one look at Bam and had Bear call for help and to bring Lila back. The first responders were there in less than five minutes and quickly transported Bam, Lila and Matt to the clinic.

"He's on the verge of a heart attack." The physician's assistant was adamant about his diagnosis. His blood pressure is elevated and he's complaining of a tightness in his chest. He needs rest and lots of it.

"But he'll be alright though?" Lila fought back tears trying to put on a good face for Matt who was also visibly shaken by the whole ordeal.

"Mrs. Brown, we can medicate and monitor him but he needs rest and only you can write that prescription for him."

Lila turned to Matt and asked a difficult question. "Will you and Jill take the Brownies? I'm taking him home to Juneau for a couple of days."

Matt didn't hesitate in his answer. "Take as long as you need, Lila. The family's got this. Gabe and Noah can run the Integrity and we have enough family that Jace and Lily will be well cared for. We can have them call you every night."

Bam was in rare form demanding to be released. Lila entered the room and cut off his attempt to bully the nurse into getting his release papers.

"Joshua Brown, you get back in that bed or so help me God, I'll tie you to it."

Bam's temperament changed immediately and the nurse left the two of them alone. "I want to go home."

"Not until they clear you first and we are not going home. We are going to Juneau for a few days to stay with Jack."

Bam's brow furrowed. "Lila, I have too much to finish here."

"You won't be finishing anything when your dead." Lila delivered those words in a most matter of fact manner.

"Where's Matt? I want to speak to Matt."

"He's in the waiting room with the rest of the family. I'll send him in if you promise not to get yourself riled up."

"Fine. Just send him in."

Lila met Matt in the hall. "He wants to see you. Don't let him bully you into letting him stay. He's being stubborn. We're going straight to Juneau when he is released."

Matt made his way to Bam's room while Lila sent Rain and Bird to pack a suitcase for she and Bam.

Hey, bro, if you needed a break, you should have just asked instead of scaring all of us." Matt tried to keep the situation light.

"You're going to be in charge while I'm gone. You need to keep the build going and I have two hauls scheduled this week."

Matt stopped Bam. "We got this Bam. Let me handle everything. You get some rest with Lila. Jace and Lily will be fine."

Bam hated the thought of leaving Lily and Jace behind. Lily was such a sensitive thing and always required more attention than her brother. She wouldn't take the news well.

"Are Lily and Jace in the waiting room?"

"They are. Do you want to see them?"

"Please ask Lila to bring them in. I want to see them before I leave."

Lila walked hand in hand with Jace and Lily into the room where Bam waited. Jace crawled up on the bed where Bam sat upright. Lila placed Lily on the bed next to Bam and she quickly crawled up to his chest and stroked his beard.

"Look at you two. Everyday you get bigger and bigger."

"Daddy, are you coming home now?" Jace asked fiddling with the drip that was connected to his dad.

"In a few days. Your mom and I have to go to Juneau so you two are going to stay with Uncle Matt and Aunt Jill."

Jace was excited to hear the news. He liked his cousin Lucas. Lily on the other hand was heartbroken. She laid her head on her dad's chest and sighed. "I want to be with you."

"I know princess. But daddy needs to get some rest. Can you be a big girl for me and mommy and stay with Aunt Jill for a few days?"

"Why can't I be with you?" She asked meekly.

Bam pointed as his heart. "The doctor said daddy's heart needs some rest. So mommy is taking me to her home for a few days. You know I will call you everyday and if you are a good girl, I'll bring you and Jace a surprise when I come home. Can you be a big girl for me while I'm gone?"

"Uh, huh." She hugged him tightly. "I love you to the moon and back daddy."

"I know you do and I love you as deep as an ocean."

Lila could barely watch the two of them interact as it so reminded her of the special bond she had with her father. It would be good to be back home even under the given circumstances.

Lee Ann Rimes-You Light Up My Life

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