Chapter 228

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Noah stood awkwardly at the door of Blue's apartment not knowing what to do next. He thought a good night kiss to be to forward and a kiss on the hand a little platonic.

"So, you'll come by tomorrow after the library closes?" She reached to tuck an errant strand of hair behind Noah's ear. "Promptly at 5:00pm."

Noah was locked on her eyes and hadn't even realized that she touched his hair. He was somewhat obsessive about his family members touching his hair but with her, it didn't even seem to faze him.

"I promise 5:00pm and I wouldn't want to keep a beautiful lady waiting." Blue blushed at his unexpected comment. She only considered herself beautiful when she danced. Noah reached for the door handle to leave.

"You forgot something Mr. Brown." Noah paused and checked to see if he had left his gloves behind.

"I think I have everything I came with." He responded checking his pockets.

"You forgot this." Blue reached for Noah's face and lightly pressed her lips to his in a sudden and unexpected move. She kissed him with her eyes closed. He knew because his were still open. He was caught off guard by her daring little move which left him slightly stunned but pleasantly so.

"Goodnight Mr. Brown." She whispered as she slowly drew her head back from his face.

"Goodnight Ms. Harper." Noah walked out the door backwards stumbling as he stepped on to her porch. She stifled a giggle. Apparently, she had surprised him and it made it all the more fun to watch him try to recapture his composure.

Noah walked leisurely back to his place letting the cold night air fill his lungs. Never one to accurately read women's mind or actions, he knew she liked him and for now that was just enough for him.

Blue leaned against the door hoping she hadn't been to forward with Noah. She could tell he was different from the usual men she knew because not once did he try to make an advance on her. Before going to bed that night, she pulled out her worn journal and turned to the section labeled bucket list. She scribbled in her journal and added another item number to her list.

17. Dance for Noah on our wedding day.

She closed the book and returned it to the safety of her bedroom between the mattress and the box spring where she kept all her secrets.

Abba- Dancing Queen

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