Chapter 245 New Year

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Since Christmas had been overshadowed by the arrival of baby Gypsy, Matt and Jill decided to host a new year's eve party for their family and friends. The party would give everyone a time to reflect on the year as well as look forward to the many new and exciting things to come-another Brown baby for Red and Bear, the marriage of Noah and Blue, and the construction of Gabe and Lucy's cabin home. So much had changed in the family's life. The prosperity that had eluded the family most of Ami and Billy's life had finally come full circle to their children. It was a fact not lost on Billy.

The mill had been converted into a party barn for one night of revelry as all gathered under one roof to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Set in twinkling white lights and with the help of local musician friends, the barn became a dance floor as by one by one couples took to the floor. Bam coaxed Lila away from the fun and into the privacy of his office. He never had the opportunity at Christmas to present her with the ring he had bought. He thought this was the most perfect time to give it to the start of a new year.

"Mmm, isn't this how we got Gypsy in the first place?" Lila mused over sneaking away to his office.

"That thought did cross my mind, lovely, but actually I had something else planned. Sort of a belated Christmas present." He patted his bulging pants pocket.

Lila giggled as she snaked her hand into his jeans. "I think there's something hard in here." She cast a devilish grin his way.

"Stick to the box woman." He growled back trying to stay focused on his purpose.

Lila held the box in her hand as she admired it. "Joshua, what've you done?" She peered up at him to see his classic smirk.

"Just a reminder of what you mean to me, to us."

She slowly opened the lid as he spoke. "There are five birthstones, one for you and me and the others representing Jace, Lily and Gypsy. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would have you, this place, and our kids."

Lila wasn't usually at a loss for words but in this instance, she was. Her eyes glistened with tears as she tried not to cry. His hand quickly cupped her chin. "Why the tears, princess?"

She whispered as he slid the band on her hand. "If I die a thousand deaths Joshua Brown, I hope they are always in your arms."

His baritone voice chuckled as he pulled her to his chest. "You flatter me, Mrs. Brown. You always have."

Matt pulled a reluctant Noah and Blue to the center of the room. Although Noah begged him not to, Matt called for everyone's attention.  Blue clenched Noah's hand as Matt announced to the gathered crowd of friends and family that Noah and Blue would tie the knot in mid-August. A spontaneous moment of applause broke out as Noah and Blue excepted well wishes from everyone. Blue showed off her ring while Noah stood quietly in the shadows pondering how he had just become the luckiest guy in the world.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight and the crowd began their countdown, Matt stole his wife into the shadows under the stairs. He pressed her against the wall with his hands securely holding her in place."Matthew, we have company!"

"Well, if you're counting the party in my pants, then, yes, we do." Matt pulled her closer to him insuring that she noticed the hardness building in his jeans. Jill couldn't help but notice what was getting started down below. She willingly parted her lips letting his tongue tempt her into some new year naughtiness. He hiked her dress up
lightly trying to cop a feel, but she kept pushing his hand away.

"Your timing sucks." Jill moaned as he slid past her blocks and slipped his fingers under the fabric of her panties. She moaned her appreciation in his ear and just as quickly as he had tempted her, he stopped when he heard their names called.

"Raincheck?" He kissed her squarely on the lips.

Jill attempted to smooth her dress back into place. "Uh, yeah, big time raincheck."

"Happy new year babe. I"ll bring the fireworks later."

Smiling, Jill replied, "Promise?"

Peruquois-You Are Amazing

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