Chapter 225 I Would Do Anything For You

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"Come on Noah! We're going to miss the munchies at the pace you're moving." Bam yelled to Noah from the kitchen. He had recently moved into Matt and Jill's old apartment adding his flair of decorating with a collection of oddities.

"Noah's taste for decorating could use a woman's touch." Jill fingered a glass jar that contained something that resembled a collection of spiders and shivered at the mere sight of them.

Noah appeared in tbe kitchen perfectly coiffed in a freshly pressed white shirt. "It's about time brother."

"Quit picking on him. I think Noah looks dapper." Lila gave him a peck on the cheek.

"That's the look I was going for...dapper." Noah grabbed his jacket and walking stick and offered an arm to Jill who was without her husband. Libraries didn't really appeal to Matt who had volunteered to keep the kids entertained while they were away.

The couples walked the distance to the library giving Lila an opportunity to rest when needed. She tired more easily as her pregnancy progressed. Jill and Noah walked ahead while Bam patiently waited for his wife to signal she was ready to continue. He helped her up stealing a kiss as payment.

The library was a hub of activity. Ever since Blue had assumed responsibilities as head librarian, the library had become more popular as she would coordinate weekly meetings and activities on a regular basis to generate more interest in the town's best resource. Tonight, she had planned a mixer for her adult readers giving them an opportunity to meet friends, grab some hors'duevres and check out a new list of authors and books.

Blue spotted Noah as soon as he walked in the front door. He was easy to spot because of his long blonde ponytail and his gothic style dress. He stood out against most of the locals. She was somewhat disappointed he had brought a date and she was a pretty one at that. Bam and Lila soon followed behind Noah and Jill. As a courteous hostess, she crossed the room to welcome them. The Brown contingency could see Noah's face light up as she approached.

"Mr. Brown," Blue addressed Noah in her formal librarian voice. "We're pleased to see you here tonight and you've brought friends."

Noah took her hand and instead of shaking it as most people do, he bowed slightly and brushed the top of her hand with a kiss. His gesture somewhat startled her especially since his date was standing next to him.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to freshen up the punch." Blue slipped away from the trio.

"She's very pretty, Noah." Jill watched as she flitted around the mixer in an almost a fairy-like state. "You should go talk to her again."

Lila found a comfortable place to sit as Bam brought her something to eat and drink. Jill perused the book shelves for something to read as Noah followed Blue around the library never quite finding an opportunity to start another conversation.

Bam watched his brother stalk Blue around the room missing several chances to garner her undivided attention. Bam shook his head watching Noah repeatedly crash and burn. He usually didn't like to intervene in his brother's love lives but he couldn't stand to watch his brother go down in flames. In an uncharacteristic moment, Bam intervened and cornered Blue himself.

"Looks like you have an admirer." Bam pointed in the direction of Noah.

"I hardly think so. He brought a date. Blue sighed and nodded in Jill's direction.

"Jill? His date?" Bam snickered and replied, "Jill is our sister-in-law. She's married to my brother Matt."

Blue felt a touch of pink hit her cheeks. "You mean he's unattached?" She had mistakenly thought Jill was his date as he had only introduced her by her first name.

"That's exactly what I mean, Ms. Harper. Now, could you possibly put him out of his misery? He's been looking for a chance to speak to you all night."

Blue reached for Bam's arm squeezing it slightly. "Thanks for clearing that up."

Noah had totally given up on having a few minutes with the object of his obsession. His back was turned as she approached. He had begun entertaining his mind with the most recent copy of Science Today.

"Mr. Brown, are you avoiding me tonight?" Noah whipped around to see Blue standing in front of him.

"Avoiding you? Never."

Blue flashed him a smile and handed him a cup of punch that he readily accepted. "Have you found anything interesting tonight?"

Noah smiled back at her. "Yes, yes, I have."

"Maybe you would like to check it out and take it home with you?"

He practically choked on his punch. "I would love to check it out and take it home with me."

"You can keep it for as long as you like."

"I think I might like to keep her for a lifetime."

Blue giggled, "Are we talking about me or a library book?"

Now it was Noah who began to feel a little hot and bothered. It was the first time a woman had sparked his interest and undivided attention. He wanted to know more about her.

"Maybe after this is over, we could go for a walk?" Blue tried to make herself available to him as she was just as intrigued by him as he was with her.

Bam made his way back to where Lila sat. "You disappeared. I was getting concerned. Did you find something that interested you?"

Bam looked at her with a lusty look. "Let's just say, I've been playing matchmaker for you and you can thank me later."

Lila squealed with delight. She was hoping she and Jill could push Blue and Noah together to show them how much they had in common. "Babe, I will make your efforts tonight worth your while."

Bam lowered his face to hers and whispered in her ear, "Can we go home now, please?"

He pulled his wife to her feet and began navigating for door. "I'm coming babe, I'm coming."

Bam turned to Lila as he lead her through the crowd. "Yes, princess, that's what I am counting on."

Meatloaf-I Would Do Anything for Love

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