Chapter 313 The Things We Do and Say

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The next morning Bear found his hunting party ready for their excursion. Joe greeted Bird, Gabe and Bear and made introductions. Gabe and Bird carefully inspected the rifles before boarding the party making sure every rifle was empty of ammunition. From the grogginess of their travelling companions from their previous night's excessive drinking, the Browns would have no accidental shootings today.

"Um, Bear, do you think they're ready for a two hour boat trip? Some of them are looking a little hung over." Bird eyed the frat boys with caution. As a rule, her family had a no alcohol policy amongst themselves.

"The fresh air sober them up and I guarantee you the choppy waters will help them, shall we say, clean out their systems." Bear cackled as he and Gabe pulled away from the dock.

Bear was right in his comments as the boat had barely left Hoonah Bay before the first sounds of puking overboard began. Joe made his way over to Bird and apologized for his friends. "They aren't really bad guys. I guess this is kind of their last hurrah before graduation and we all go our seperate ways."

"If you so say. I'll get them some paper towels. Hopefully by the time we get to Browntown beach, they will be feeling better. I don't want to have to play nurse maid the entire trip."

"Thank you, Bird. I appreciate your kindness." Joe offered a smile as Bird retreated to the wheelhouse to grab some towels.

Joe stood at the rail passing out paper towels to his friends as Gabe and Bird watched. "Gonna be a long weekend." Gabe shook his head in agreement.

"Joe seems to be a pretty square guy. Kind of reminds me of Bam. You know...the responsible one."

"Yeah, I guess every group has to have someone who is the caretaker. He seems suited for the job." Bird continued to watch Joe as he waved back at her. She hadn't taken an interest in anyone since the incident with Nato. She had since questioned her own judgment of men especially anyone that caught her eye.


"Are you going to let me see the finished mural?" Matt stood outside the nursery hoping to catch a glimpse of what Jill had created on the walls.

"Let me put up the paints and I'll let you see the room in about an hour." Jill surveyed the finished art hoping Matt would love what she had painted on his pink walls. She had put countless hours into the design and hoped he would appreciate the theme she chose. After all, she wanted the room to reflect her roots.

When Jill had put away her paints, she escorted Matt from the kitchen upstairs. Her hands were clasped over his eyes. "On three. One, two, three!"

Matt's eyes adjusted quickly to the light and as he did a 360 in the room, he was in awe of her art. "Jill, this is amazing! Look at the detail. I think it is your best work ever."

Jill blushed at the compliment. She painted occasionally but not like she had when they first met. She feared her skills were a little rusty until she saw the look in Matt's eyes.

On the walls, Jill had painted a beach scene that wrapped around every wall with the main focal point being a mermaid silhoutte where the crib was intended. On the other walls, she had incorporated a seaside village complete with nods to Matt and his family in the art. A bird for Bird. Raindrops for Rain. Little painted buildings featuring the names of all Matt's brothers. "Do you like it? It is not too much?"

"It is perfect for our little girl." Matt squeezed Jill's hand confident in his knowledge the baby would be a girl. "Baby, you really are a genius with paint."

"I'm glad you like it. Now you better be right about tbe sex of this baby."

"Oh, I am." Matt rubbed his hand over Jill's stomach. "This baby is going to be our little princess."

Delilah was a perfect baby for Lila and Bam. For one that gave them so much grief at her birth, she was a good baby and didn't fuss much. Now with four children, rest and alone time for the couple was a rare commodity and they took every advantage of school time and nap time to keep the intimacy of their relationship going. Lila need only look at her husband and knew exactly what he was doing to her in his mind. Often at family dinners with the entire wolf pack present the gesture would slightly unnerve her. She would excuse herself from the table, shortly thereafter, she would be followed by her husband who proceeded to seduce her with words whispered in her ear of intimate details still to come. If he was lucky and their presence not missed, he would take greater risks and start the foreplay before they ever set foot back in their own home. Every touch was still electric and she wanted nothing more than to be touched by his thoughts and his actions. It was these moments that reminded Lila of why he would always be her one and only. After all these years with him, he still had the innate ability to leave her breathless and restless and always wanting more of him.

"You've got to quit doing that to me." Lila placed her hand on her husband's chest.

"Doing what?" Bam asked innocently.

"Making love to me at dinner," she replied in a hushed whisper.

Bam chuckled as his hand slipped under her shirt caressing her supple breast feeling her bud harden under his touch. "But you know I only have an appetite for you. You're a much better dessert than my mother's berry pie."

"We need to get back to the table. We've been gone too long." Lila tried to straighten her shirt.

"Not so fast woman. I"m not done with you yet."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Someone could walk in on us at any moment."

"That's what makes it fun." He growled in her ear as his hand dropped to her lower regions. Just let me know when you want me to stop."

Lila exhaled knowing that she wasn't going to stop him. She whimpered slightly as his hand rubbed the fabric between her thighs.

"I could take you right here." He chuckled as he felt her press into his touch.  Lila knew he comnanded that much power over her body and that she would let him take her just steps away from his family if that is what he truly wanted.

"But I will spare you the humilation of getting caught for now."

"Why Mr. Brown, that's rather gentlemanly of you." Lila pulled away from him and teased him with her words. "Just remember, it is not a gentleman that I hope to find in my bed tonight."

"Woman, what you do to me....."

Ed Sheeeran-Thinking Out Loud

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