Chapter 319 Big Brothers

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Joe asked Bird her pizza topping preferences and placed an order for a large pepperoni and mushroom pizza with extra cheese with two Cokes. "Garlic bread?"

Bird shook her head no which was probably a wise decision since Joe had slipped into the same side of the booth with her when they were seated. She thought it was a little forward of him but the more time she spent talking with him the more relaxed she had become. Joe also sensed that she had loosened up somewhat and continued to engage her in conversation. She didn't notice that the eyes of her eldest brothers  watching her from across the room. Bam was always overly protective of his sisters and Matt had also become more cautious of anyone that took notice of his sisters. They ate quietly but kept a watchful eye on Bird and her date.

Bam winced when he saw Joe place an arm around Bird's shoulder. Having three daughters of his own and remembering what type of skirt chasers he and his brothers were when they were younger finally gave him motivation to make his presence known. He and Matt finished paying the tab and casually sauntered to where the two sat.

"Bird, don't forget, Lila's expecting you at three."

Bam peered over his dark shades at her and then Joe. Joe quickly stood up to shake his hand and then Matt's. "Good to see you both again. I promise to have Bird back before then."

Bird frowned at Bam. Joe had been the perfect gentleman and she thought her brother had no reason to give him "the look," but Bam would always be Bam and in his usual fashion he advised Joe to "respect the danger."

Bird groaned audibly as Bam and Matt strolled out of the restaurant. Joe turned to Bird and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

Bird cupped her face with her hands and just shook her head. "That's just a Bam thing. He's just programmed that way. My brothers are a little cautious around strangers especially one whose friends shot my brother."

"Accidentally." Joe mused. "Accidentally."

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