Chapter 218 Blush

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Matt barked orders to his brothers trying to put the final touches on Bam and Lila's home. He had suspended work on the other houses in order to finish his brother's place in time for their return to Browntown II.

Bear, perched on the roof, spotted the ferry heading into Hoonah signaling their impending arrival.

Jill and Red put the finishing touches on the inside while Lucy rounded up the Brownies for the welcome home surprise.

Matt knew his brother would be stunned at the progress they had made. Bam always thought Matt goofed off more than he worked.  Everyone from Billy and Ami to the littlest Brownies had assisted in the final push to finish.

As Bam and Lila made their way home, they noticed it was unusually quiet. The family had gathered inside Matt's office to surprise them with a welcome home banner made by Rain and Bird.

Just as Bam opened the door, his family bellowed welcome home nearly startling him to death. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Jace and Lily ran immediately to he and Lila who each scooped them up smothering them with kisses.

Lily hugged her daddy's neck tightly. "Surprise!" She whispered in his ear.

"Thank you baby girl. Did you miss me?"

She kissed his cheek and stroked his hair with her little hand. "Mommie and I brought all of you some new books to read." Lily clapped her hands together excited over the prospect of new bedtime stories.

Matt hugged his brother. "Welcome home, bro. We have a little surprise for you and Lila."

Jill looped her arm through Lila's arm and headed out the office door in the direction of the new family compound. "You're going to be so happy."

Bam and Lila lead the way with Matt and Jill. Bam could already see what they had down from the exterior. He whispered to Lila. "They finished our home."

Lila looked at Bam with her eyes glistening from the tears that were beginning to form in them. She squeezed his hand a little tighter as
Jill beamed when she opened the door to their finished home.

"Ta-dah!" Jill yelled. "We hope you don't mind but we took the liberty of arranging your furnishings."

Lila turned to her sister-in-laws hugging each one and bawling. She was probably just hormonal from the pregnancy but her gratitude for their effort was genuine. This is what family truly was and she knew she was lucky for being a part of the Brown family.

Bam pulled Matt to the side to thank him for what he had done. Their relationship was sometimes tenuous at best but Matt had really risen to the challenge. Since his marriage to Jill, he seemed to mature and find a focus that he never knew he had. Matt could tell his brother was moved by the gesture. Bam was a man of few words especially when it came to Matt.

"You did right by Lila and the kids and I can't thank you enough for stepping up to this challenge. I owe you one, man."

"You owe me nothing, Bam. It's about time I took a leadership role in this family."

"You've already being doing that with the sawmill and moving to town.  I'm pretty proud of you." Bam slapped his brother on the shoulder. "Now let's exam your handiwork."

After dinner that night while the kids were sleeping and the brothers gathered in the office, Lila presented Lucy with her gift from Juneau. "Bam helped pick it out."

Lucy blushed as soon as she saw the name on the lingerie box. She carefully untied the bow and peeked in the box. "Oh, Lila, you shouldn't have."

"Are you going to show us what's in the box?" Rose nudged her arm. Lucy removed the lid and held up a beautiful pink silk chemise.

"It's for your honeymoon, Lucy. There's something else in the box also. I had a little help picking that out." Lucy held up a sexy pink bra and panty set. "Bam thought Gabey might like that little number."

"I won't be able to look your husband in the eye." The girls fell out in a round of laughter as their men came back to the house.

"What's so funny?" Gabey walked to where Lucy sat. "More presents."

Lucy attempted to slip the box under the table but not before her future brother-in-law goaded her into showing Gabe what they had picked out for them when shopping in Juneau.

As much as Lucy protested, Gabe begged her to see what was in the box. Lucy slowly revealed what she was trying to hide causing Gabriel to turn a bright red to match the red in his flannel shirt.

"Happy now?" Lucy giggled as Gabe tried to shove the garments back in the box.

"Yeah, he might not be happy now but just wait until you model them on your honeymoon night." Bam laughed as he toussled a hand through Gabe's hair.

Everything by Michael Buble

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