Chapter 337 Birds Gotta Fly

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Bird fidgeted as Rain added a crown of flowers to her upswept hair. "Remember when I tried to curl your hair with pine cones?"

Bird sighed heavily. "How could I forget that catastrophe? I think we had to cut off six inches of my hair."

Rain and Bird shared a hug. Tears had welled up in Rain's eyes. "I can't believe you're getting married. I...I...just always thought we would be together forever."

"I know. But we will only be gone for a short time until Joe and I can decide on a base of operations. I will come back to Hoonah as much as I can. Besides I suspect you won't be far behind me...that guy River seems to like you."

"Yeah right. He doesn't even know I exist."

"I'm not so sure about that. I think the Baminator and the Mattinator have been running interference. They did the same thing to Joe. That whole big brother thing kind of stops relationships especially you being the baby and all."

Bam knocked at the door before popping his head into Bird's room. For once, he was somewhat speechless. He couldn't recall a time when his sister looked more beautiful. Random thoughts of her hunting with he and his brothers flashed through his head. Recollections of she and Bear covered in camo paint were now only whispers as he looked at the bride that stood before him.

"Rainy, can you give me a minute alone with Birdy? Besides you have a guest downstairs. That kid River is hanging around outside."
Rain quickly disappeared giving Bam the opportunity to spend some private time with his sister.

"If you've come to talk me out of this...." Bird barely got the sentence out before Bam interrupted.

"That's not my intention today. I wanted to wish you well. And I want you to know, you will always have a place with us...and that includes Joe."

Bird smiled and squeezed his hand. "That means a lot, Bam, especially coming from  you.  I know over the years Da has delegated the responsibilities to you to look out for all of us. That's a pretty heavy burden to carry alone."

Bam nodded in agreement. "You taught us over the years to be careful, to respect the danger. I was listening Bam. I heeded the advice but now it is time to let this bird fly. You did your job. Now it is time for me to make my own decisions. And I made a good choice in Joe. He has met this crazy, loud family and he didn't run away."

Bam chuckled at how much he and his brothers had harassed Joe. "Yeah, I guess he gets brownie points for hanging with us."

"How about we round up Noah and get me married?" Bird chirped gleefully.

Bam pulled a small package from his pocket. "Lila and I got you something special today." He pressed the box in her hand. "We love you very much."

Bird slowly unwrapped the box and found a locket inside. She opened it and found a picture of both she and Joe.

"Help me put it on." Bam fumbled with the clasp and finally secured it around his sister's neck.

Bird looked in the mirror and straightened it against her neckline. She stared at her reflection and that of Bam's in the mirror. "I always knew you were a softie."

Bam crinkled his forehead and replied, "And that secret doesn't leave this room."

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