Chapter 211 Baby Baby

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"She's beautiful, Rose." Jill held the tiny baby girl in her arms as she showed her to Matt.

"And look, her hair is almost the same color of Bear's." Matt brushed a finger over her tiny head.

"What happened to Bear?" Jill nodded at Bear sleeping in the next bed. Rose shook her head and laughed.

"Mr. Extreme got his ass whipped by a six pound baby girl. He's fainted twice either from the shock of fatherhood or too much adrenaline overload."

Matt poked Bear on the chest. "Wakey. wakey, papa bear!"

Bear woke again feeling dazed and confused as the reality sunk in that he was indeed a dad. Jill figured there wasn't a better time to introduce his daughter to him then right now and placed Violet carefully in his arms showing him how to hold her head. It was a sight to behold as Bear's demeanor suddenly changed from his hyper overdriven self to a father quietly cooing to his baby girl.

As Matt and Jill switched places with Bam and Lila, Bear looked to Red and beamed. "I'm a dad!"

Rose acknowledged his statement, "Yes, you are baby." She also realized she never quite knew how much she loved Bear until that moment when he held Violet for the first time. It was an unmistakable wave of emotion for her.

Lila and Bam peered at the small bundle of joy congratulating the pair. They took the first family photo of the trio and soon switched places with Lucy and Gabe.

Violet looked so small against Gabe's
massive chest and arms. "Careful Gabey. Don't drop her." Bear's fatherly instincts began to kick in as he found himself being overly protective of her already.

"She's a doll, isn't she? Lucy kissed Violet's tiny hand. She also thought to herself how great Gabe looked with that baby girl in his arms.

Amy Grant-Baby Baby

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