Chapter 246 Spring

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Spring came early to Alaska and it was good news for both Gabe and Lucy. Construction on their home was in full swing and Gabe felt a sense of accomplishment at the progess of their work. Lucy stopped by the job site every day to check on her husband and to keep a watchful eye on the construction. She and Gabe had slowly outgrown her small home and they were both looking forward to the additional space. Conversations had swirled around the prospect of children but they both still wanted their freedom to come and go as they pleased without thought of towing a baby. Uncle Gabe was still a favorite of all the Brown offspring mainly because the youngest Browns were entertained by his goofy impressions and his jeavy metal guitar sessions. It wasn't unusual to have at least four Browns hanging off his arms and legs. Lucy was glad he wanted to delay the start of a family. She was content to live in her eternal honeymoon bliss and all the advantages that went with a lifestyle without children.

Bear and Red on the other hand were tickled by the prospect of baby number two. It had taken them longer to conceive this time but the joy that Violet had brought to their lives could only be multiplied by the expansion of their family. Red had grown beautifully into motherhood despite her past history. She often thought of how far from the brink she had come and how absolutely lucky she was to have Bear and Violet. How she ever ignored her husband in the beginning was clearly an error in her judgement. He was still sunshine in a bottle, always happy and content with his station in life, living every day to the fullest. His hunting expedition business stayed busy throughout the Spring and he would, at times, be gone for extended periods but he and Red welcomed the homecomings both at the bakery and in the bedroom.

Blue and Noah had spent the long winter nights planning for their wedding. They had created a vision board of everything they both wanted hoping to mesh his traditional values with her more creative side. Every decision had become a negotiation between them. He would concede and she woild compromise and in the end they felt like they designed a truly unique experience. Now it was all about coordinating the details and implementing the vision.

Matt and Bam sat in their office reviewing their upcoming lumber shipments and deliveries. Their relationship, although tenuous when they were younger, had mellowed over the years. Matt no longer worked to prove he was the eldest and the leader and Bam had lessened his constant bickering and "I told you so" attitude. Their relationship had moved to one of mutual respect. They were now peers. Equals in every way as fathers, husbands, business partners and always brothers. Now decisions were made based on the welfare of all the families not just their individual pursuits. Age had finally matured them both and maybe their equally strong wives had a little help in that change.

Lila balanced Gypsy on her hip as she let Jill into the house. Jill held a flyer in her hand.  "Guess what's happening next week?" Jill asked excited over her news.

Lila reached for the sheet of paper. "Oh my! It's the dance. I lost track of time. Do you think we can convince them to go?"

"I thought we might hit them up together. You know when we tag team, they don't stand a chance."

Lila nodded in agreement. "It's been awhile since we had some adult time."

"You up for a stroll to the office," Jill asked as she took Gypsy from Lila's arms. "Go freshen up and use that perfume that you hubby can't resist."

Gypsy babbled and gurgled in Jill's arms as Lila changed into a clean shirt. She spritzed herself with a little perfume, just enough for him to notice. She pulled her hair down,  brushing it out to give it a hint of volume.

As she descended the stairs to rejoin Jill, she couldn't help but notice how her eyes lit up as she played with Gypsy. "She likes you." Lila stated as she adjusted her necklace.

"Shes a breath of fresh air for me. I'm out numbered by the boys. Hell, even the dog is a boy. I don't think Matthew is programmed to make girls."

Lila giggled. "I think having girls is God's way of teaching Bam patience. Wait until they become teenagers."

Both women fell out in laughter as patience was a long road for Bam to walk but over time, he was perfecting the art. Jill joked, "Daughters, teenaged daughters, will definitely be the death of him."

Bam glanced out the window to see Jill and Lila headed in the direction of the mill. He knew that whatever they were up to usually involved he and Matt being sweet talked into one of their ideas.

"Trouble's coming." Bam pointed out the window.

"Well, brother, whatever it is, we're going to lose." Matt chuckled. "We never stand a chance with that pair."

Ed Sheeran-One

The Dance Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon