Chapter 265 Veil of Night

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It was their first lead. A store owner along the route the brothers were following recalled a couple that resembled the descriptions of Lila and Nato stopping for gear. "Look at the picture again. Are you sure it was her?" Matt asked the owner to give Lila's photo one more review.

The grizzled man scrubbed his beard shaking his head. "Yep. That was her. I remember her because she was wearing a dress. Don't get many woman up here in dresses. She was a pretty one. A real looker."

"How long ago were they here?"

"This morning. Bought some clothes and boots for her."

It was the break they needed. At least, they knew she was alive and obviously if Nato purchased clothes his intent wasn't to kill her. Bam asked, "Did the woman say anything?"

"Nope. She was real quiet. That fella she was with drug her around here like a child. She somebody special?"

"She's my wife. She was taken almost two days ago. We've been tracking them for awhile."

Matt grilled the man. "There any cabins around here? Anything off the beaten path?"

"Oh, there's a few. Let me get a map."

The man proved more helpful identifying several potential places to check. "If you want, I can close up shop and drive you there myself."

Bam and Matt thanked the owner for his help but declined his offer to assist. Matt knew why Bam turned the help down. Matt assumed Bam didn't want any witnesses to his future actions.

The first stop proved unsuccessful. They had hiked about a mile into the woods but found no signs of anyone staying at the first cabin.
They hiked back down the trail to their truck and pinpointed the second location about another ten miles down the road. Again, they loaded packs and rifles and prepared to take another trek up the mountain. This hike was far longer and a steeper climb. Just before night fall, they spotted a cabin. They could see light from the windows and smoke rising from a stove pipe. The brothers approached the cabin carefully splitting up to cover it from the east and west sides. They soon realized they were at another dead end as the door of the cabin opened and a child dumped a bucket of water over the edge of the porch. It was discouraging for the brothers who moved away from the cabin into the darkness of the woods deciding to make camp further away.

Matt built a small fire as Bam pulled out some deer jerky for them to share. It wasn't exactly dinner but it would put some calories in their system.

"I wish this damn nightmare were over."

"We'll get her back Bam." Matt felt a sense of responsibility for hiring Nato. There was plenty of blame to be shared and Lila was feeling the same way.

"How much longer are you going to keep me away from my family?" Lila demanded.  She was tired of the cat and mouse game that he played with her.

"You know there are plenty of ways to pass the time out here." Lila's stomach churned every time he made an innuendo. After his behaviour earlier that morning, she was no longer sure if she could fend off his advances. He was becoming more agitated as the hours ticked away. Every time he moved in her direction, she steeled herself for the inevitable. She soon began to debate giving into his aggressions. Maybe she could seduce him into letting her go or maybe she could slip away in the night if she lulled him into a deep sleep. Every time her mind went there, she could only see the eventual disappointment on her husband's face. But this was not Bam's decision to make, it was fast becoming her choice to make. Survival was her only option now regardless of the price. Her survival instincts were finally beginning to kick into high gear and the more time that passed, the worse her situation was becoming. If she did get the opportunity to run, where would she go? The cabin was set far off the main road and although she now had warmer clothes and boots, she still didn't have a weapon to defend herself from bears.

Lila stood by the small window praying that someone, anyone, was searching for her. Her hope was beginning to fade as how would anyone know where to search.

Nato approached her from behind. He brushed her hair to one side and his head dipped to the back of her neck. Immediately, she felt her body go rigid as he kissed her neck. "Why so tense Lila? Let me help you relax."

She was half paralyzed with fear, half with the intention to go through with his demands if it would give her an opportunity to escape. His arms wrapped around her waist slowly undoing each button of her shirt feeling the lace hidden underneath. Besides his breathing, the only sound she heard was herself screaming silently in her mind.

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