Chapter 321 The Grilling

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Dishes clattered on the table at the main house as Ami, Billy and Rain readied for the onslaught of the weekly family dinner. The family had grown so much that a second table had to be added to the dining room to accommodate all their sons' children. Wives floated around the house trying to wrangle their little ones for dinner while the husbands gathered in the family room to get an update on all the families' businesses.

Bird stood with Joe just outside the family home. "We don't have to eat here tonight. We can go back to the lodge and grab something."

"And miss all this fun," Joe nervously joked. He had tried to prepare himself before dinner having had Bird remind him of who was who and which wives were married to which brothers. He wanted to make a good impression on the family since their first interaction had ended with Gabe being injured.

"I'm going to apologize for my family ahead of time because I know they are going to grill you. It's just their nature. We don't make friends so easily."

"Thanks for the warning. I'll try and remember that tonight."

Bird opened the door to the family home and immediately was met by a passle of nieces and nephews yelling "Birdy's here!"
If a quiet entrance was what she hoped for that didn't happen. The couple drew the attention of her brothers who descended upon the pair with speed. They were an imposing pack between the beards, hair and muscles. Joe could feel himself gulp hard as
Bird began introductions beginning with the least imposing of her brothers, Noah. Joe was happy to see Gabe and Bear again since he had already spent time with them on the hunting trip. It was Matt and Bam he was most worried about and regardless of Lila's earlier lecture, Bam remained cautious and stoic as he gripped Joe's hand. Bam purposely held it long and hard as he said greeted Bird's suitor.

"Bird, you're needed in the kitchen." Matt nodded in the direction of the large open space filled with kids and wives.

Bird glared at her two eldest brothers as she knew they were going to flex their brotherly   protection as if she needed it. She could out shoot all of them even with a pink rifle.

Bird hesitated but Joe assured her he would love to get to know her brothers better. "Are you sure," she asked not wanting to leave his side.

"I'm good. Go ahead." He motioned her forward.

Bird gave a visible huff to her brothers as she walked away. As soon as she was out of sight, the questions began. Bam asked the first one. "When are you going back to the lower 48?"

Before Joe could answer that question a  second question was asked by Matt. "What are your intentions with Bird?"

"Intentions? It's just dinner." Joe answered.

"So you have no intentions?" Bear questioned. "You wouldn't be toying with our sister."

"Whoa!" Joe raised his hands in front of him. "I like Bird. A lot. But what we do and what my intentions are aren't any of your business. That's between your sister and me and the last time I asked, she was over 21."

Joe stood his ground as five sets of eyes burned holes through him before Matt grabbed his shoulder and slapped him in the chest. "I like him. He's cocky. I think he is going to fit in fine with us."

Joe felt a wave of release run over him knowing that getting the approval of her brothers was key to any future plans. Bird peered around the corner watching as her brothers now joked and kidded with Joe. One major hurdle was overcome. Now if he could just survive the questions about grandbabies from her mother and not run for the hills, he would definitely be a keeper.

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