Chapter 329 Relationship Repair

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The brothers stood at the door to Gabe and Lucy's home not giving him an out. On this matter, Bam, Matt and Bear were a united front. Bear turned the handle and pushed Gabe through the front door.

"I don't know what to say." Gabe stood looking hopelessly lost.

"You'll find the words." Bear called for Red who had been staying with Lucy in Gabe's absence.

Red hurried down the stairs and hugged Gabe. She whispered in his ear, "She's a wreck but I'm glad your here. She's upstairs." Red gave Gabe a small push towards the staircase. He turned once more looking for someone to go with him knowing full well he had to do this task on his own.

Gabe knocked softly at the door to their bedroom. Lucy didn't answer but he could hear her quiet sniffles. She looked so tiny with her knees pulled to her chest and her head buried in the pillows. He took a seat on the bed trying to be as gentle as he could.

"Luce....are you okay?" His hand reached out to touch her shoulder but she didn't turn to him. He felt her body shake as she began crying.

"I'm sorry Lucy. About everything. I put too much pressure on you about kids. I didn't listen." So many words fell out of Gabe's mouth that it surprised him.

"I secretly blamed you for the miscarriage. "
Gabe sighed heavily. "I....I was wrong."

The apology only made Lucy cry harder and Gabe felt worse. He kicked off his boots and rolled next to her wrapping her in his arms. The only thing he knew to do to comfort her was to hold her until there were no tears left to cry. And he did just that for the rest of the day and into the night.

"That was a good thing you did." Red scrubbed her face before bed while Bear showered. "Lucy really needed Gabe."

"You think so?" Bear popped his head through the shower curtain sporting his usual grin.

"I do. Not talking about things can really hurt couples but we don't have any issues there."  Red smiled back at her husband who was known for being excessively talkative.

"I'm glad you're home. It was kind of quiet without you. And the girls really missed their bedtime stories."

"Oh, just the girls, huh?" Bear jutted out his lower lip looking somewhat pouty.

"Maybe their mom missed their dad just a little bit." Red held up her fingers demonstrating what a little bit was.  "She may have especially missed his special re-enactment of Lil' Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf."

"Let me see what I can do about that." Bear gave a short howl and quickly turned the water off. He grabbed a towel running it over his body and tossled wet hair before snapping it against his wife's cheeky behind, chasing her all the way to their bed.


Matt found Jill soaking in the tub her belly cresting the top of the water. "Matt! You're home!" Jill never felt whole without Matt probably as a result of his long stint in rehab. Any time apart especially during her pregnancy seemed like an eternity.

Matt knelt at the edge of the tub leaning in to kiss his wife. His hand grazed across her stomach as he inquired about his princess baby.

"Still think it's a girl?" Jill placed her hand over Matt's as it rested atop her tummy.

"As sure as I know my own name."

"How about washing my back?" Jill handed her husband a washcloth and a bar of fragrantly scented soap.

"I got a better idea. How about I join you?" Matt peeled off his clothes and slid in the tub behind her.

"Mmmm....feels like home already." Jill nestled into Matt's chest as he gave her the rundown on bringing Gabe home.

The lights were dim except for the reading light by Lila's side of the bed. Bam stood in the doorway of the bedroom and drank in the site of Lila asleep with a book laid across her chest. The house was quiet with sleeping children, a rarity for their usually busy household.

He slipped out of his clothes and into bed trying not to wake his wife. He was always amazed that after four children she still remained as beautiful as the first time he saw her. He gently moved the book from her chest which stirred her into a half awake half sleep state.


"Yes princess." He brushed his lips against her forehead as she snuggled closer to him.

"Did you find Gabe?"

"We did."

"Is everything good?"

Bam pulled Lila tighter next to him. "Right now....everything is where it's supposed to be."

"Love you."

"Love you more."

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