Chapter 242 Christmas Gifts

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Christmas had crept up on the family sooner then anyone had realized. The winter snow had settled in bringing any possible construction on Gabe and Lucy's home to a halt. It was a respite for Noah giving him time to focus on his relationship with Blue. He had long ago decided that she was the one he wanted to spend his life with but she always seemed to shy away from the subject of commitment. He tried everything in his baileywick to get her to utter the words he longed to hear. Physically, at least in his mind, she expressed that emotion frequently but it was those three little words he needed to hear aloud to seal the deal.

Noah and Blue walked through town window shopping. Although Hoonah wasn't exactly a shopping mecca, the few shops in town put in great effort to make their window displays especially festive to attract what dollars were available locally. Noah acknowledged the upcoming date. "Christmas will be here soon."

"Santa already knows you've been a very good boy." Blue pecked his cheek. Noah blushed as he knew she made reference to their carnal activities.

"And what would you like Santa to bring you," he asked hoping to get an idea on a potential present for her.

"I have everything I need right here." She squeezed his hand and stopped to look at one of the overly decorated windows.

"You're not going to make this easy, are you, he asked somewhat disappointedly.

"No. Let's see how well you've come to know me." She glanced at him with that clever smile. If he could only read her mind in that instance. She stared back into his blue eyes making him slightly weak in the knees. Maybe it was the impending holiday or her cute little face poking out from under her furry hat that made him say it out aloud again.

"I love you."

She touched his face with her gloved hand. "I know you do." It wasn't the response he had hoped for but he wasn't giving up that easily. Lila and Jill had convinced him by their examples that you have to fight for who you love and he would do just that. He would be her champion and a patient one at that. He would wait forever just to hear those words.

Red had come to help Lila finish some holiday baking as her paced had slowed dramatically as her baby was due any day. Lila sat at the table rolling out dough while Red mixed a new cookie dough. "You look like you're going to pop." Red teased her as she could barely reach for the cookie cutters.

"I feel like I'm going to pop. I can barely do anything anymore." She looked just as exasperated. Her inability to do anything was evident from her messy kitchen and Red took notice, helping to tidy up the place.

"Are you going to stop after this one?" Red was curious as she felt this pregnancy was especially hard on Lila. Lila patted her stomach. "I would have a dozen of his babies if my body wasn't wrecked so much being pregnancy. Bam's philosophy is the more, the merrier."

"And what about you and Bear? Are there plans to give Violet a sibling?"

Red smiled and replied, "Well, it's not for the lack of trying."

Red and Bear had been trying almost every night but the magic just didn't click. Each month that passed without a positive pregnancy test only made Red a little sadder. She frequently blamed her past before she met Bear but in his usual manner, he reminded her that all good things happen when they are supposed too. He was an eternal optimist, besides he didn't mind making love to his beautiful Rose Red.

"Maybe, we will get a Christmas miracle." Red bit the leg off of a gingerbread man cookie, hoping for a positive outcome.

Lucy furiously wrapped Gabe's present before he came home from work. She didn't want him to know that she purchased him a new guitar. It was a little extravagant for their budget, but his other one was so worn from years of moving around Alaska. She heard the door open and his usual line of "Honey, I'm home." She quickly slid his present under their bed and met him in the kitchen.

Gabe greeted her with a burly bear hug. It still amazed him every day that she was his one and only and he made no excuses for showing her just how much he worshipped her. "Whatcha been up to all day?"

"Besides baking cookies and cakes for the bakery all day, I've been trying to finish up my holiday shopping."

"Oohhh, presents. I like presents. Were one of those for me?" His warm smile reminded her of what it was like to be a kid again. He was always filled with a sense of wonderment and she loved that boy-like innocence about him.

Jill had recruited her boys to help pick out a present for their dad. Matt was easy to buy for because he loved anything that came from Jill and his boys. In his opinion, his life was perfect. Jill had righted his path in life and from their union, his life had only grown more positive. He had it all...a talented, loving wife, two energetic boys and a thriving business.

"Okay boys, what should we get dad for Christmas?"

"Pajamas!" They echoed in unison. "Because he likes to sleep."

Jill giggled at the idea. Matt did like to sleep for a hobby. Anytime. Anywhere.

"How about we get him jammies that match the new ones you two will be getting for Christmas Eve?"

The boys jumped up and down eagerly as they liked to mimic their dad. Fatherhood was good for Matt helping him to center himself and see that it was the simple moments in life that made every day tasks fun.

"Jammies it is!" Jill opened up her computer searching for anyone that could expedite three sets of pajamas to Alaska before Christmas eve.

Bam opened the small box on his desk admiring the ring he had specially made for Lila. Three birthstones set in between two diamonds represented their family and the inscription read "magic & moonlight", a nod to what their whole relationship represented. He just hoped that they were right about the due date for their third baby. Neither one of them had opted to learn if it was to be a boy or a girl. As long as he was there for the birth this time that was all that really mattered. He closed the box slipping it back into the desk satisfied with his surprise.

Mariah Carey-All I Want For Christmas

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