Chapter 237 Order

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Noah followed Bam around the build site of Gabe and Lucy's future home making notes on his pad about the things his brother wanted to accomplish before the holidays set in. The foundation was most important as they wanted to begin framing as soon as the first Spring thaw arrived.

"Could you repeat those measurements again, Bam?"

"Dammit Noah, I need your full attention today."

"Sorry, man, I'm just a little distracted this morning." Noah was distracted by the images that played through his mind of the beautiful woman he woke up with earlier that morning. He felt bad that he left so abruptly but even more embarrassed that his brother had to fetch him at Blue's apartment.

"Cut lover boy a break, Bam" Matt made kissy face noises at his youngest brother. "He's in love!"

"What are you, twelve year old boys?" Noah snapped curtly at Matt.

"Temper, temper! Gabe walked around for weeks like a sick puppy after he and Lucy hooked up."

"Hooked up? Is that what you think this is?"
Noah raised his voice. "I'll have you know, I intend to marry that girl one day."

Bam suddenly stopped in his tracks. "You're a little young for that step, aren't you?"

"What's age got to do with anything? I think I know my own mind and my own heart."

"And you haven't had much experience in the romance department either?" Bam eyed him closely as Noah fidgeted with his coat.

"I don't want to be an old man like the two of you before I find the right woman."

"Touche'." Matt pretended to be impaled by Noah's words.

"Just don't do anything rash. Take your relationship slow and make sure you truly love her. Don't let the physicality win out over the practicality. Marriage is not playing house, Noah. You've not been privy to the  complications, lessons and mistakes that love....or lust....can bring. She's your first and no one wants to see either of you get hurt."

Matt nodded in agreement and replied, "What he said." He pointed at Bam.  Even in love, he still...."

Noah completed Matt's sentence. "I know, I know. Respect the danger."


Blue locked up the library early, stopped by the store to pick up a few things and headed to Noah's place. Unlike her time in the city where every apartment sported at least four deadbolts, she found Noah's place unlocked making a note to herself to discuss that with him. She let herself in to begin supper. She hoped he wouldn't mind the invasion of his space because he didnt seem to mind invading her last night. It tickled her to think that the proper Mr. Brown was completely improper with her last night.

Blue quickly made herself at home in the kitchen prepping dinner. As it began to simmer on the stove, she looked around the apartment tidying up Noah's things. For a man who lived by himself, he maintained a neat and orderly home. His dishes were properly washed and put away. His bed was made to perfection as he even aligned the pillows to the same position. His bathroom was spotless. A place for everything and everything in its place. She only hoped that in this orderly world, he had a place for her.

Luke Bryan-In Love With A Girl

The Dance Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें