Chapter 204 Space

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"I have something to show you. Follow me." Lucy headed to the bedroom with Gabe in tow.

"I think I've seen it all tonight."

"That's not what I want to show you."
Lucy stopped in front of her closet and opened the door. Gabe peeked inside the closet.

"Nice closet."

Lucy walked him towards her chest of drawers and pulled open the top two drawers. They were empty. Lucy smiled and Gabe nodded not quite understanding why she was showing him these things.

She pushed him in the bathroom and pointed at the toothbrush holder that sported both a pink toothbrush and a blue toothbrush.

"Nice toothbrushes." Poor Gabe wasn't getting the hints.

"Gabe, do you know why I showed you those things?"

Gabe shook his head no. He really was naive when it came to the subtly of relationships.

"I cleared out half my closet for you. I cleared out half my drawer space for you. And the blue toothbrush is yours."

He smiled and nodded.

"Damn, Gabe." She threw her arms in the air and sighed. "You cannot be that...."

He grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer to him. "Lucy, are you inviting me to move in with you?"

"Finally. Yes! You spend so much time here that I thought you might want to be here on a more permanent basis."

"Is that your only reason?" Gabe peered into her dark eyes holding her chin.

"Ummmm, maybe." She hesitated. He tightened his hold.

"And?" He asked trying to fight back a smile.

"And I kind like having you around..."

"Just kinda of like?" He replied.

"Okay, maybe I love having you around."

He kissed her and she whispered softly in his ear. "I love you."

"I know you do." Gabe had won the battle for her heart and the war for her love.

Heart-What about Love

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