Chapter 208 Game Play

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Red's growing belly was a source of constant excitement as her due date rapidly approached. Although they didn't have space for a true nursery, Bear and Red had eeked out a small area for a makeshift nursery for Violet before more permanent homes could be built for each of the brothers and their families. Jill had painted a mural of pink and purple ponies on the wall nearest where the couple had placed their crib.

Touches of pink and lilac were present in the bedding and rocking chair that Lucy and Gabe had given Red. Lucy was tickled to be an aunt even though she wasn't officially a Brown and Gabe relished the idea the idea of a new niece in the family. Violet would even out the odds in the family which was heavily dominated by testosterone.

At dinner that night, Gabe asked Lucy how she felt about children. They had never really discussed the subject although she seemed to enjoy being involved in his large family.

"How do you feel about kids?" Gabe asked as he chased a forkful of peas around his dinner plate.

"I like them. Especially the way they smell when they are new."

"Do you want kids?" Gabe asked not looking up from his plate trying to appear nonchalant about the question.

"Yeah, sure. Isn't that why people get know for love and kids?" Lucy quietly placed her fork across her plate and listened more closely to Gabe's question.

"How many kids do you want?"  Gabe shyly asked.

Lucy decided to have a little fun with Gabe. "I want a baker's dozen."

Gabe's eyes flew up from his plate. "You want thirteen kids!"

Lucy laughed at the 'deer in the headlight' look Gabe gave her. "Maybe not thirteen but as many as we are blessed with."

"We?" Gabe asked reaching across the table for her hand.

"Mr. Brown, I hope you're just not playing house with me."

"Lucy, I would never play with your emotions." Gabe hesitated and then stumbled through his next words. "But you do see a future with me in it, right?"

"Mr. Brown, I think that ball is in your court right now." Lucy picked her plate up and walked to the sink. "And you're in halftime." She turned to see him moving in her direction.

"What's a guy gotta' do around here to score?" He nibbled at her neck sending a shiver down her spine.

Lucy answered back suggestively. "Hmmm...I need a player who can go deep, throw long and hard and knows how to handle his balls."

"I know a player that might fit that niche." He pressed his hips closer into the curve of her body.

"But does he have the right moves?"

Gabe pushed even closer up against her hips and this time, there was no mistaking the signs of a well qualified player.

Lucy whispered in his ear. "Touchdown!"

Taylor Swift-Shake It Off

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