Chapter 258 When The Darkness Comes

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Nato sat on the steps of the mill watching the activities taking place in Browntown. The extended daylight gave everyone additional time to prepare for Noah and Blue's upcoming nuptials. Twinkling lights were strung in the trees by Bear who was taking instructions from Red and his sisters. Gabe shuffled benches from the mill to the foundation they had built while the smallest of the Brown offspring followed he and Lucy like a gaggle of geese.

It was the activity at the main house that Nato watched most closely as she was there. It was hard to ignore her as she moved with the grace of a gazelle. He could hear her melodic laughter ring through the air as she conversed with the patriarch and matriarch of the family. He also watched her ever present guardian. When she moved, he moved, always ever watchful of his wife. Bam cast a side glance towards the mill making eye contact with Nato, slipping his arm around her shoulder and clearly sending a signal that she was his.

Lila paid no attention to Nato as she leaned in to kiss her husband. Nato felt the heat rise in him oblivious to Matt's presence behind him. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" Matt fanned himself with his fedora. Nato nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Just as I remember but even more so."

"I know how you feel. I fell for her before I met Jill. She just has that kind of effect on guys." Matt fell silent for a minute before he spoke. His tone became more serious. "I can't afford to lose a good carpenter like you, Nato. Lila is happy with my brother and it's going to stay that way. No one, and I mean no one will ever come between them as long as I draw a breath."

Nato locked eyes with Matt as he punched his shoulder, falling back into his usual care free manner. "I trust we have an understanding."

Jill called after Matt flagging him to gather up the boys for dinner. After the family  disappeared to their evening meal, Nato
returned to his quarters to wash up for the night. As he pulled on a clean shirt, he heard a soft knock at the door, opening it to find Bird. "You forgot to come by to pick up your supper basket." She handed it to him, her hand touching his on the exchange of the handle. He thought he saw her cheeks flush the slighest of pink.  She was somewhat pretty but plain compared to the object of his attention. He could tell that she liked him as most women weren't immune to his rugged charm.

"I could keep you company while you eat," Bird suggested.

Nato shook his head and stifled a chuckle, "While I am sure your company would be a welcome change, I think you should run along home, Snowbird." Nato brushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't want to cause any issues with your brother."

Bird toed the ground smiling meekly at him. In an almost hushed whisper she replied back, "Maybe you would like to come with me to the wedding?" She held her breath waiting to hear her second rejection of the evening.

The wheels in Nato's head began to turn. "I think I could do that."

"Really?" Bird was surprised to hear an affirmation.

"Uh huh." It was Nato's way of getting closer to Lila even if he had to use Bird to do it.

"Saturday afternoon then."

"I'll be there. Now run along home before someone comes looking for you."

Colbie Caillat-When Darkness Comes

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