Chapter 279 The Test

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Jill waited patiently in the hospital lobby as both Matt and Lila had blood samples drawn followed by the perfunctory swabbing of their mouths. They watched as the nurse carefully labeled the vials and swabs to be sent to the lab for testing. When Lila questioned how long the results would take, the nurse responded that the doctor had requested a rush on their test but it would probably be a week before the tests were completed.

At this point, the trio had nothing more to do but wait. Jill suggested they get some lunch and take the last ferry back home. If only for a little while, Matt and Jill wanted to distract Lila from the thoughts swirling through her mind. They found a small restaurant and settled in at a corner table perusing the quaint menu for something to satisfy their hunger.

Jill and Matt worked hard to keep the conversation away from the obvious but Lila couldn't be distracted from what was about to happen to her life. She contemplated all her alternatives, none resulting in an outcome that she was comfortable with for the moment.

"I know I don't get a vote in whatever happens but my brother should. If it were me, I mean us," he squeezed his wife's hand, "I would want to share in the decision." Matt's usually happy go lucky demeanor had turned much more serious.

"Matthew Jeremiah Brown!" Jill's tone was sharp as she called out his proper name, attempting to stop him before he said anything to upset Lila.

"It's okay, Jill, let him speak his mind."

"I'm sorry but I feel strongly that this isn't just your decision. Look, Bam's a hard ass,  we all know that but if the results aren't what you hope, both of you should cross that bridge together. For better or for worse, remember."

Lila excused herself from the table and stepped outside. She found herself calling home. She needed to hear his voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello beautiful." His voice gave her the reassurance she needed at that moment. "When are you coming home?"

"Soon. We stopped for a bite to eat. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Everything is fine now. I miss you."

"The kids and I miss you too. Remind Matt to bring me a cake home from Pie in the Sky."

Lila's laughter lilted through her phone. "What is it with you and chocolate cake?"

"I guess I just like sweet things like you." He answered back.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Brown."

"Then you better hurry home." He chuckled in the phone. "See you tonight?"

"Hell couldn't keep me away."

Ed Sheeran-Lego House

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