Chapter 255 I Knew You Were Trouble

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Lucy nudged Red as Nato entered the bakery to pick up breakfast. "That's him," Lucy whispered trying not to be so obvious that she was pointing him out.

"He is exactly as you described. Rough sexy." Red eyed the ink on his arms as grabbed the top of the counter taking in the intricate designs of his tattoos.

"Morning ladies. Matt mentioned I could get breakfast here every day."

"Red, um, this is Nato. Matt's new carpenter." Lucy elbowed Red in the waist as she stared too long at his tanned arms and colored ink. She quickly looked up and found his eyes to be equally appealing. She could easily see how Bam and her husband could be somewhat intimidated by his rugged look.

Red extended her arm to shake his hand when he took notice of her ink. "Nice tat."

"Thank you. I'm Red by the way. Bear's wife. Matt said you would be a regular."

"Bear didn't tell me he had such a beautiful wife."

Red felt herself go weak in the knees at the compliment. Considering she was pregnant and he didn't seem to notice, she took it as an attempt to flirt. Lucy breezed by her and whispered, "I told you he was slick."

"So what do you recommend besides the two of you?" Nato perused the glass case of pastries and then glanced up at the bakery girls exchanging wide-eyed looks.

"The Bear claws. They're freshly baked."

Lucy hastily boxed several of them to go while Red poured a large cup of coffee and handed it to him. Nato winked at them. "Been a pleasure, ladies. I will enjoy seeing you for lunch."

Nato took his breakfast and headed towards the door holding it open for Noah and Blue. He nodded at Noah and acknowledged Blue with a comment that drew Noah's ire.

"Let me guess. That's my brother's carpenter." Noah asked keeping a watchful eye on him through the window as he headed for the mill.

Red responded back completely without thought. "Yeah, that's a whole lot of rough sexy going on."

Noah frowned at the description of Nato. Blue squeezed his arm. "I can see the appeal."

"Not you, too."

"No need to worry Noah. I like my goth sexy far better." Blue, Red and Lucy giggled knowing that Nato made all the Brown men somewhat uncomfortable if not uneasy.

Taylor Swift-I Knew You Were Trouble

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