Chapter 308 The Right Stuff

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Lucy awoke to find Gabe sound asleep on the couch with Violet and Daisy on either side of him. She couldn't help but smile to herself at the sight of Bear's little girls tucked safely under each arm. She quietly covered the threesome with a blanket and proceeded to their small kitchen to start breakfast for the mini wolfpack. Gabe stirred as the aroma of the morning meal wafted through the house. He soon found himself pinned between his nieces and carefully shifted Daisy next to Violet so that he could follow the smell of pancakes into the kitchen. Lucy dumped a huge bowl of blueberries into her batter as Gabe snuck up behind her sliding a hand around her waist. "What's cooking in here besides you?"

Lucy's neck dropped easily to her left side as her husband proceeded to nibble at her neck and ear. "Blueberry pancakes, and if you keep nibbling on me, nothing is going to be ready for these hungry wolves." Lucy ducked out from under Gabe's grasp and hurried about the kitchen.

"Motherhood looks good on you."

"Gabey, I am not their mothers. This is a temporary situation until everyone comes home from the hospital."

"But you are doing such a good job and the kids love you. I mean just look at those gingers on the couch. How can you not fall in love with them?"

"Easy. I can give them back at the end of the week."

Gabe sighed heavily. His heart was so big and he had so much love to give that just being the "favorite" uncle no longer satisfied him. It made him somewhat sad that Lucy wasn't on the same page as him, at least for now but he wasn't going to give up so easily himself.

Violet and Daisy had made their way to the kitchen tugging at Gabe's pant leg. Sleepy eyed and hair all a muss, both girls were the picture of perfection to him. He grabbed Violet and sat her on the counter next to him and Daisy clung to his strapping arm as he placed her on his hip. Daisy whispered something in his ear and Lucy watched as he attempted to straighten her wild hair.

"Keeping secrets, are we?" Lucy poured her batter onto her griddle pan.

"She's just a little shy like I was when I was little," Gabe replied back.

"Hard to believe any of Bear's girls would be shy with all his personality." Gabe chuckled as neither Bear nor Red were exactly wallflowers.

Daisy again whispered in Gabe's ear to which he shook his head no. Lucy watched the exchange between the littlest ginger and her husband. For being the clumsiest of the brothers, when it came to the kids, especially Lily, Gypsy, Violet and Daisy, Gabe was extremely gentle with each of them recognizing that they were not as rough and tumble as his nephews. Lucy loved the way he always knelt down to their level to speak with them and had noted how his voice softened when conversing with them. He possessed many of the traits she felt she lacked and this was the source of her reluctance to commit to having kids. She questioned herself constantly if she even had a maternal instinct in her but Gabe had enough faith for both of them.

"Gabe, can you set the table while I round up the rest of the pack?" Lucy disappeared to wake the others. She rousted the boys from their tent fort and checked on Gypsy who slept heavily. Lily was already up and dressed and stood at the window peering at the entrance to the family homestead.

"When is daddy coming home?" The sadness in her voice was evident. Lily had a very strong bond with her father. She loved just as hard and as big as Joshua. Lucy walked to where she stood, hesitating for a moment before she stroked her hair.

"It won't be long. Soon, everyone will be home and you will have a new sister to watch over." Lily peered up at Lucy's eyes. "Can you call him for me?"

"Honey, I think it is best we wait until they call us. The circumstances are special and we need to be a big girl and help mommy and daddy not to worry about us."

"Am I not special?" Lily asked waiting for her aunt's response.

Lucy stuttered for a minute. "Lily, you are most special because you were Joshua's first child and no one can ever take your place in his heart." Lucy found herself sitting next to Lily on the floor. "Did your mom and dad ever tell you the story of how you and Jace came into this world?"

"No. Can you tell me?"

"I wasn't there when you were born but your family has shared the story with me. Your Uncle Matt was the hero of that day."

Lily listened intently as Lucy revealed the adventure that surrounded her birth. Her eyes became wider as Lucy told her of their helicopter ride to Juneau and how her dad believed her grandmother had intervened that night at the hospital. Gabe had climbed the stairs and heard Lucy telling the story of the twins' birth. He stood quietly in the doorway listening to Lucy's colorful retelling of the birth leaving no detail out of the story "....So yes, Lily, you are very, very special to your daddy and you must never, ever forget that." Lucy pointed to Lily's heart. "You will always have a piece of your daddy's heart no matter how old you get or how far you venture."

Lily threw her arms around Lucy's neck hugging her tightly. "I love you Aunt Lucy." She planted a kiss firmly on Lucy's cheek and without hesitation or forethought, Lucy loved her back.

Lily bolted passed Gabe into the kitchen. As Lucy stood to follow her, Gabe caught her arm and pulled her back into the room. He popped a kiss on her lips, holding her firmly at the waist, and wanting to assure her of one thing. "Mrs. Brown, I never once doubted you had the right stuff."

New Kids on the Block-The Right Stuff

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