Chapter 324 Turn of Events

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Nothing felt right about the pregnancy but then Lucy had never been pregnant before. She wasn't sure what to expect even after devouring every chapter of "What to Expect When You're Expecting."  She was assured that her morning sickness was normal but the more time that passed, the worse she felt. Gabe was as helpful as humanly possible taking on the extra chores of the household, asking Rain to cover Lucy's shifts at the bakery, and having Bird help with meals. But he could not ease whatever the difficulty with her pregnancy was. Her doctor had warned her not to broadcast her pregnancy until she had entered her second trimester but there were no secrets in the Brown family.

She was no more than nine weeks along when the cramping began in the middle of the night and by morning, she had miscarried. The hopes of a child were dashed like a candle being snuffed out by a breeze and Gabe was inconsolable. He took the loss hard and it was Lucy that reassured him, they could try again. He blamed himself. He forced himself to not blame Lucy as she was never to keen on the idea of her own wolfpack but dark thoughts easily permeated his weakened soul.

Red and Bear stayed with the couple trying to provide a sense of tranquility but fuses were short and hearts were broken and words were said that couldn't be forgotten or possibly forgiven. Gabe needed space and time. He offered to leave their home taking refuge in the spare room at the mill but it wasn't enough distance. One early morning, he packed his gear and with Bear's permission, he took his brother's skiff and headed to familiar territory back in Browntown where he could be alone with his thoughts.

Bear and Red begged him not to leave but the conversation ended on a sour note. "What about Lucy? You're just going to leave her here, alone?" Bear argued with Gabe but his words were ignored. "You're making a mistake. It's a coward's move Gabe."

Red shook her head in disgust and trudged back to the house. "He's gone, isn't he?" Lucy tried to fight back her tears.

Red nodded. "Everyone handles grief differently. He needs time." At least Red hoped time would help his heart heal.

"He acts as if I didn't feel the loss, like I wasn't a part of all of this."

Bear slammed the door behind him startling both Red and Lucy. It was a rare occasion to see Bear angry but Gabe had managed to taint his brother's happy-go-lucky self.

"Lucy, I'm sorry honey. I couldn't change his mind." Bear hugged Lucy hard and promised her he would give Gabe a couple of days alone and then fetch him back to Hoonah. "Maybe the time will clear his mind because he isn't thinking clearly at all."

"How about I fix us something to eat?" Red headed to the kitchen to whip up a light breakfast but Lucy excused herself and went back upstairs to sleep. They heard the bedroom door close behind her and shortly thereafter, they heard her stifled sobs into her pillow.

"You head back to our house. I'll stay with here with her. I don't want her to do anything she'll regret. If you need to, ask one of your sisters to stay with the kids."

Red grabbed Bear by the arm and stared into his eyes as he was about to leave "You're a good man Sol. I'm blessed to have you in my life."

"We are both blessed babe. Don't ever shut me out of the conversation no matter how bad it is." Bear pressed his lips to his wife's forehead. "More."

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